- from dataflows import Flow, load, unpivot, find_replace, set_type, dump_to_path, update_package, update_resource, join, join_with_self, add_computed_field, delete_fields, checkpoint, duplicate
- BASE_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/'
- CONFIRMED = 'time_series_19-covid-Confirmed.csv'
- DEATH = 'time_series_19-covid-Deaths.csv'
- RECOVERED = 'time_series_19-covid-Recovered.csv'
- def to_normal_date(row):
- old_date = row['Date']
- month, day, year = row['Date'].split('-')
- day = f'0{day}' if len(day) == 1 else day
- month = f'0{month}' if len(month) == 1 else month
- row['Date'] = '-'.join([day, month, year])
- unpivoting_fields = [
- { 'name': '([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+)', 'keys': {'Date': r'\1'} }
- ]
- extra_keys = [{'name': 'Date', 'type': 'string'} ]
- extra_value = {'name': 'Case', 'type': 'number'}
- Flow(
- load(f'{BASE_URL}{CONFIRMED}'),
- load(f'{BASE_URL}{RECOVERED}'),
- load(f'{BASE_URL}{DEATH}'),
- checkpoint('load_data'),
- unpivot(unpivoting_fields, extra_keys, extra_value),
- find_replace([{'name': 'Date', 'patterns': [{'find': '/', 'replace': '-'}]}]),
- to_normal_date,
- set_type('Date', type='date', format='%d-%m-%y', resources=None),
- set_type('Case', type='number', resources=None),
- join(
- source_name='time_series_19-covid-Confirmed',
- source_key=['Province/State', 'Country/Region', 'Date'],
- source_delete=True,
- target_name='time_series_19-covid-Deaths',
- target_key=['Province/State', 'Country/Region', 'Date'],
- fields=dict(Confirmed={
- 'name': 'Case',
- 'aggregate': 'first'
- })
- ),
- join(
- source_name='time_series_19-covid-Recovered',
- source_key=['Province/State', 'Country/Region', 'Date'],
- source_delete=True,
- target_name='time_series_19-covid-Deaths',
- target_key=['Province/State', 'Country/Region', 'Date'],
- fields=dict(Recovered={
- 'name': 'Case',
- 'aggregate': 'first'
- })
- ),
- add_computed_field(
- target={'name': 'Deaths', 'type': 'number'},
- operation='format',
- with_='{Case}'
- ),
- delete_fields(['Case']),
- update_resource('time_series_19-covid-Deaths', name='time-series-19-covid-combined', path='data/time-series-19-covid-combined.csv'),
- update_package(name='covid-19', title='Novel Coronavirus 2019'),
- dump_to_path(),
- checkpoint('processed_data'),
- # Duplicate the stream to create aggregated data
- duplicate(
- source='time-series-19-covid-combined',
- target_name='worldwide-aggregated',
- target_path='worldwide-aggregated.csv'
- ),
- join_with_self(
- resource_name='worldwide-aggregated',
- join_key=['Date'],
- fields=dict(
- Date={
- 'name': 'Date'
- },
- Confirmed={
- 'name': 'Confirmed',
- 'aggregate': 'sum'
- },
- Recovered={
- 'name': 'Recovered',
- 'aggregate': 'sum'
- },
- Deaths={
- 'name': 'Deaths',
- 'aggregate': 'sum'
- }
- )
- ),
- dump_to_path()
- ).results()[0]