This repository was created to plan and teach the pre-summer course "Rapid Prototyping Tools for PCB Design".
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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\title[ITM 2018]{\textbf{E}asily \textbf{A}pplicable \textbf{G}raphical \textbf{L}ayout \textbf{E}ditor \\\bfseries EAGLE}
\subtitle{Schematic, Spice Simulator and Layout Editor}
\author[ITM]{Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia\\Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Electrónica}
\subsection{What is EAGLE?}
\textbf{EAGLE} is a software to design schematics and \textbf{PCB}s (Printed Circuit Boards). Its popularity around the world became for the use in \textbf{DiY} (Do it Yourself) electronic projects; because have a Freeware license and a large number of component libraries around the network.
\item The \textbf{Schematic Editor} allows to draw diagrams for electronic systems.
\item The \textbf{Layout Editor}, which allows to design \textbf{PCBs}.
\caption{Interaction between Schematic and Layout editor.}
\subsection{System Requirements}
\frametitle {System Requirements for Autodesk EAGLE}
Operative & Requirements\\
Windows& Microsoft® Windows® 7 or newer is required.\\
& EAGLE 64-bit requires a 64-bit operating system.\\\hline
Linux& Linux® based on kernel 2.6 for Intel computers,\\
& X11 with a minimum color depth of 8 bpp, the\\
& following runtime libraries:,\\
&, and CUPS for printing.\\\hline
Mac&Apple® Mac OS® X version 10.10 or above for\\
& Intel computers.\\\hline
All operating&A minimum graphics resolution of 1024x768 pixels \\
Systems&and preferably a \textcolor{red}{3-button wheel mouse}.\
\frametitle{Panel Control}
\caption{Close project}
\begin{column}{0.6\textwidth} %%<--- here
\caption{Open project}
\section{Schematic editor}
\frametitle{Create new Schematic project}
\subsection{Work space}
\section{Layout editor}
\frametitle{Create new Layout project}
\subsection{Work space}
%\subsection{Work space}