- #!/usr/bin/python
- import subprocess
- import all_settings
- ## tests all options separately by executing all_settings.py
- all_settings.main()
- ## then compiles mytheme.tex and styleguide.tex,
- filesToCompile = 'mytheme', 'styleguide'
- for filename in filesToCompile:
- subprocess.call('pdflatex {}.tex'.format(filename).split())
- ## compile twice because of beamer in styleguide
- subprocess.call('pdflatex {}.tex'.format(filename).split())
- ## clean up auxiliary files (non-pdf and non-tex)
- subprocess.call('rm -f {}.aux'.format(filename).split())
- subprocess.call('rm -f {}.log'.format(filename).split())
- subprocess.call('rm -f {}.nav'.format(filename).split())
- subprocess.call('rm -f {}.out'.format(filename).split())
- subprocess.call('rm -f {}.snm'.format(filename).split())
- subprocess.call('rm -f {}.toc'.format(filename).split())
- ## removes the pdfs created beafore
- filesToDelete = 'all_themes', 'all_colors', 'all_palettes', 'all_backgrounds', 'all_titles', 'all_blocks', 'all_notes', 'mytheme'
- all_settings.removePdfs(filesToDelete)
- ## and removes the file created from importing all_settings
- subprocess.call('rm -f all_settings.pyc')
- ## The generated files are all_settings.pdf and styleguide.pdf