- %%
- %% This is file `tikzposterBackgroundstyles.tex',
- %% generated with the docstrip utility.
- %%
- %% The original source files were:
- %%
- %% tikzposter.dtx (with options: `tikzposterBackgroundstyles.tex')
- %%
- %% This is a generated file.
- %%
- %% Copyright (C) 2014 by Pascal Richter, Elena Botoeva, Richard Barnard, and Dirk Surmann
- %%
- %% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
- %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
- %% version 2.1 of this license or (at your option) any later
- %% version. The latest version of this license is in:
- %%
- %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
- %%
- %% and version 2.1 or later is part of all distributions of
- %% LaTeX version 2014/10/15 or later.
- %%
- % Parameters
- % \textwidth - length
- % \textheight - length
- % \titlegraphicheight - length
- % \titletotopverticalspace - length
- % \titleinnersep - length
- % backgroundcolor - color
- % topright - coordinate
- % bottomleft - coordinate
- \definebackgroundstyle{Default}{
- \fill[inner sep=0pt, line width=0pt, color=backgroundcolor]%
- (bottomleft) rectangle (topright);
- }
- \definebackgroundstyle{Rays}{
- \draw[line width=0pt, top color=backgroundcolor!70, bottom
- color=backgroundcolor!70!black] (bottomleft) rectangle (topright);
- \begin{scope}
- \foreach \a in {10,20,...,80}{%
- \draw[backgroundcolor, line width=0.15cm](bottomleft) --
- ($(bottomleft)!1!(bottomleft)+(\a:120)$);%
- }
- \foreach \i in {1,2,...,50}{%
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(rand*60,rand*70)$)}]
- \draw[backgroundcolor!50!, line width=0.1cm] (0,0) circle (4);
- \end{scope}
- }
- \end{scope}
- }
- \definebackgroundstyle{VerticalGradation}{
- \draw[line width=0pt, bottom color=backgroundcolor, top
- color=backgroundcolor!60!white] (bottomleft) rectangle (topright);
- }
- \definebackgroundstyle{BottomVerticalGradation}{
- \draw[draw=none, line width=0pt, bottom color=titlebgcolor, top
- color=framecolor] (bottomleft) rectangle ($(bottomleft)+(\textwidth,3)$);
- }
- \definebackgroundstyle{Empty}{
- }
- \definebackgroundstyle{Backgroundgraphic}{
- \node(0,0){\TP@backgroundgraphic};
- }
- \endinput
- %%
- %% End of file `tikzposterBackgroundstyles.tex'.