- # The ITMorelia Thesis Class
- This respository is a sample project of a Thesis using the `itmorelia-thesis-class` with LaTeX. **If you want know what sections should be included and its content visit the *Wiki* of this repository**.
- # Repository structure
- Below you can see the repository's contents. The repository is made of 27 files and 2 folders. The folder `Chapters` includes each `.tex` file that will be included in your thesis; later you will learn how to included. On the other hand, the folder `FrontBackMatter` includes `.tex` files related with common chapters/section required in the thesis layout: *Titlepage, Abstract, Colophon, Dedication, Glossary, and others*; you can include as much as you need.
- In the `root` path, there are files related with the organization and the structure of the **Thesis** (the `thesisStructure.tex` and `precontent.tex` files). Also, in `root` is included the main file that gives the special format to the document (`itmthesis.cls`), and finally the `Reference.bib` file to include a bibliography to your work.
- ```bash
- .
- ├── Chapters
- │ ├── A01.tex
- │ ├── Chapter01.tex
- │ ├── Chapter02.tex
- │ └── Chapter0A.tex
- ├── configuration.tex
- ├── FrontBackMatter
- │ ├── Abstract.tex
- │ ├── Bibliography.tex
- │ ├── Colophon.tex
- │ ├── Contents.tex
- │ ├── Declaration.tex
- │ ├── Dedication.tex
- │ ├── Foreword.tex
- │ ├── glossary-entries.tex
- │ ├── Glossary.tex
- │ ├── Resumen.tex
- │ ├── Titleback.tex
- │ ├── TitlepageIng.tex
- │ └── TitlepageMC.tex
- ├── itm.jpg
- ├── itmthesis.cls
- ├── precontent.tex
- ├── README.md
- ├── Reference.bib
- ├── sepLogo.jpg
- ├── tecnmBW.png
- ├── thesisStructure.pdf
- └── thesisStructure.tex
- ```
- # The `thesisStructure.tex` file
- The main file in the project is the `thesisStructure.tex` file. The file is mainly divided in five parts: 1)Configuration, 2)Front Matter, 3) Main contents, 4) References and 5)Back Matter.
- The file contents is show next, a detailed explaination is presented in the next sections.
- ``` tex
- % Engineering, master and phd degree thesis format, September 2021, for the "Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia"
- \documentclass[listings,drafting,spanish]{itmthesis} %itm thesis class definition
- \input{configuration}% configuration & packages required
- \begin{document}
- \pagenumbering{roman} % Roman page numbering
- \input{precontent} %Includes titlepage, dedication, Foreword, abstract, publication, acknowledgement
- \include{FrontBackMatter/Contents} % Contents, list of figures/tables/listings and acronyms
- \pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic page numbering
- %-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- % Thesis Main Contents
- \include{Chapters/Chapter01} % Chapter 1
- \cleardoublepage
- \include{Chapters/Chapter02} % Chapter 2
- %-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- % Apendix
- \appendix
- \include{Chapters/Chapter0A} % Appendix A
- %-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- % References
- \cleardoublepage
- \include{FrontBackMatter/Bibliography}
- %-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- % Back Matter
- \cleardoublepage
- \include{FrontBackMatter/Colophon}
- \cleardoublepage
- \include{FrontBackMatter/Declaration}
- %-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- \end{document}
- ```
- ## 1) Configuration section ##
- ### Class' options ###
- The code next only refers to the configuration of the `itmthesis` class:
- ``` tex
- % 1)Configuration:
- \documentclass[listings,drafting,spanish]{itmthesis} %itm thesis class
- \input{configuration}% configuration and packages
- \input{FrontBackMatter/glossary-entries}
- ```
- From here the document class, for the Protocol, is defined with `\documentclass[<options>]{itmthesis}`, and this file determine the way the PDF file is generated by the options. The options defined are:
- - `drafting`: The options prints the date of compilation at the end of each page. Suitable opton to know that the latest version is on review or writing process.
- - `listing`: The option loads the `listings` package and configures the compilation to generates a gray scale listings outputs.
- - `spanish`: The option enables the babel package to print-out the sectional units on spanish language; otherwise, english will be used.
- ### `configuration.tex` file ###
- Then, `\input` command is used to include files with `LaTeX` commands. Specifically, the `configuration` file includes all the required packages and its configuration, variable(title, author, university, and so on), and command definitions. The complete code is shown next and sectioned on: 1)Listing configuration, 2)Command and Variable definitions, 3)Short descriptions on Math, 4)Packages, and 5)Text space configuration(indent, interline space, and paragraph space); however, the sections that user should modify are only 2), 4) and 5).
- ``` tex
- %!TeX root=./thesisStructure.tex
- %Add here the packages, variables, definitions, environments and specific elements created only for your thesis
- % 1 Code listing setup
- %------------------
- \RequirePackage{listings}
- \RequirePackage{xcolor}
- \definecolor{gray97}{gray}{0.97}
- \definecolor{gray45}{gray}{0.45}
- \newcaptionname{spanish}{\lstlistlistingname}{Sección de Códigos}
- \renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{Código}
- \renewcommand{\lstlistlistingname}{Códigos}
- \lstset{ frame=Ltb,
- framerule=0pt,
- aboveskip=0.2cm,
- framextopmargin=3pt,
- framexbottommargin=3pt,
- framexleftmargin=0.4cm,
- framesep=0pt,
- rulesep=.4pt,
- backgroundcolor=\color{gray97},
- rulesepcolor=\color{black},
- %
- stringstyle=\ttfamily,
- showstringspaces = false,
- %basicstyle=\small\ttfamily,
- %basicstyle=\small,
- commentstyle=\color{gray45}\ttfamily,
- keywordstyle=\bfseries,
- %
- numbers=left,
- numbersep=15pt,
- numberstyle=\tiny,
- numberfirstline = false,
- breaklines=true,
- }
- % 2 Commands and variables
- % 2.1 Thesis's title page config
- %------------------
- \newcommand{\myTitle}{Un Título de la Tesis no Muy Complicado y Largo Pero Capaz de Definir Concretamente}
- \newcommand{\mySubtitle}{Caso de Estudio a Nivel Maestría}
- \newcommand{\myDegree}{Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Electrónica}
- % 2.2 Autores:
- \newcommand{\myName}{Gerardo Marx Chávez-Campos}
- \newcommand{\myNumber}{D01120294}
- %\newcommand{\myPartner}{Otro autor}
- %----------------
- % 2.3 Mesa de revisión
- %Director:
- \newcommand{\myProf}{Homer Simpson}
- %Codirector:
- \newcommand{\myOtherProf}{James Clerk Maxwell \xspace}
- %Revisor 1:
- \newcommand{\mySupervisor}{Piere Simon Laplace\xspace}
- %Revisor 2:
- \newcommand{\myOtherSupervisor}{Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier\xspace}
- %--------------
- % 2.4 Datos del instituto:
- \newcommand{\myFaculty}{Maestría en Ingeniería Electrónica}
- \newcommand{\myDepartment}{División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación}
- \newcommand{\myUni}{Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia}
- \newcommand{\myLocation}{Morelia, Michoacán, México}
- \newcommand{\myTime}{Abril 2021}
- \newcommand{\myThesisVersion}{Rev 2.0}
- %---------------------
- %---------------------
- \newcommand{\ie}{i.\,e.}
- \newcommand{\Ie}{I.\,e.}
- \newcommand{\eg}{e.\,g.}
- \newcommand{\Eg}{E.\,g.}
- %-------------------------
- % 4. Required packages for
- % figures, plots, subfigures
- %-------------------------
- \usepackage{float}
- \usepackage{subfigure}
- \usepackage{tikz}
- \usepackage{booktabs} %Beautiful tables
- \usepackage{todonotes} %Todo list for comments
- \usepackage[version-1-compatibility]{siunitx} %easy writting of SI units
- \usepackage{pgfplots}
- \pgfplotsset{compat=1.10}
- \decimalpoint %Decimal point enable
- \usepackage[acronym]{glossaries}
- %-------------------------
- % 5. setting space for indentation
- % space between paragraphs and
- % baseline.
- % Uncomment to set parameters
- %-------------------------
- % \setlength{\parindent}{4em}
- \setlength{\parskip}{1em}
- %\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{2.0} % Interlineado
- ```
- Thus, if you require to change the thesis' title modify `\myTitle` definition on section *2.1*. If you need to change your data as an author modify `\myname` on section *2.2*, and the same foe the other options as the reviewing group (*2.3*), and institution (*2.4*).
- On the other hand, if you want to add new packages to your Protocol, you can added on the main file; the `thesisStructure.tex` file. However, to maintain a clean code you should add on the `configuration` file, specifically on section *4*.
- Finally to set specific values of separation for tabulation, paragraphs or text separation between text(interline), please modify section *5*. Here you can use several measurement units as `em`, `cm` , `in` or lines `2`(just a number). E.g:
- ``` tex
- \setlength{\parindent}{4em}
- \setlength{\parskip}{1cm}
- \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{2.0} % Interlineado
- ```
- ### `glossary-entries.tex` file ###
- This file includes each entry for acronyms and glossary entries, the syntax of each entry is shown below:
- ``` tex
- \makeglossaries
- \newglossaryentry{latex}
- {
- name=latex,
- description={Es un lenguaje de marcado o sintaxis especialmente diseñado para documentos científicos}
- }
- \newglossaryentry{maths}{
- name=matemáticas,
- description={Las matemáticas son sólo una aproximación a la realidad de la vida}}
- \newglossaryentry{formula}{
- name=formula,
- description={A mathematical expression}}
- \newacronym{ecm}{ECM}{Error Cuadrático Medio}
- \newacronym{ls}{LS}{Mínimos Cuadrados, \textit{Least Squares}}
- ```
- To learn how to call an entry on the code, see the code on `Cahpter02.tex`.
- ## 2) Front Matter ##
- Explain this:
- ``` tex
- % 2)Front Matter:
- \pagenumbering{roman} % Roman page numbering
- \input{precontent} %Includes titlepage, dedication, Foreword, abstract, publication, acknowledgement
- \include{FrontBackMatter/Contents} % Contents, list of figures/tables/listings and acronyms
- \pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic page numbering
- ```
- ## Chapters
- ## Apendix
- ## including images
- # The `configuration` file
- # Defined variables
- # Titlepage
- # Glossary
- # References