- %Add here the packages, variables, definitions, environments and specific elements created only for your thesis
- % 1 Code listing setup
- %------------------
- \RequirePackage{listings}
- \newcaptionname{spanish}{\lstlistlistingname}{Sección de Códigos}
- \renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{Código}
- \renewcommand{\lstlistlistingname}{Códigos}
- \lstset{ frame=Ltb,
- framerule=0pt,
- aboveskip=0.2cm,
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- %
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- keywordstyle=\bfseries,
- %
- numbers=left,
- numbersep=15pt,
- numberstyle=\tiny,
- numberfirstline = false,
- breaklines=true,
- }
- % 2 Commands and variables
- % 2.1 Thesis's title page config
- %------------------
- \newcommand{\myTitle}{Un Título de la Tesis no Muy Complicado y Largo Pero Capaz de Definir Concretamente}
- \newcommand{\mySubtitle}{Caso de Estudio a Nivel Maestría}
- \newcommand{\myDegree}{Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Electrónica}
- % 2.2 Autores:
- \newcommand{\myName}{Gerardo Marx Chávez-Campos}
- \newcommand{\myNumber}{D01120294}
- %\newcommand{\myPartner}{Otro autor}
- %----------------
- % 2.3 Mesa de revisión
- %Director:
- \newcommand{\myProf}{Homer Simpson}
- %Codirector:
- \newcommand{\myOtherProf}{James Clerk Maxwell \xspace}
- %Revisor 1:
- \newcommand{\mySupervisor}{Piere Simon Laplace\xspace}
- %Revisor 2:
- \newcommand{\myOtherSupervisor}{Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier\xspace}
- %--------------
- % 2.4 Datos del instituto:
- \newcommand{\myFaculty}{Maestría en Ingeniería Electrónica}
- \newcommand{\myDepartment}{División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación}
- \newcommand{\myUni}{Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia}
- \newcommand{\myLocation}{Morelia, Michoacán, México}
- \newcommand{\myTime}{Septiembre 2018}
- \newcommand{\myThesisVersion}{Rev 1.0}
- %---------------------
- %---------------------
- \newcommand{\ie}{i.\,e.}
- \newcommand{\Ie}{I.\,e.}
- \newcommand{\eg}{e.\,g.}
- \newcommand{\Eg}{E.\,g.}
- %-------------------------
- % 4. Required packages for
- % figures, plots, subfigures
- %-------------------------
- \usepackage{float}
- \usepackage{subfigure}
- \usepackage{tikz}
- \usepackage{booktabs} %Beautiful tables
- \usepackage{todonotes} %Todo list for comments
- \usepackage[version-1-compatibility]{siunitx} %easy writting of SI units
- \usepackage{pgfplots}
- \pgfplotsset{compat=1.10}
- %-------------------------
- % 5. setting space for indentation
- % space between paragraphs and
- % baseline.
- % Uncomment to set parameters
- %-------------------------
- % \setlength{\parindent}{4em}
- \setlength{\parskip}{1em}
- %\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{2.0} % Interlineado