ITM-Thesis Class Repository
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33 lines
916 B

  1. %Add here the packages, variables, definitions, environments and specific elements created only for your thesis
  2. % 1 Code listing setup
  3. %------------------
  4. \RequirePackage{listings}
  5. \newcaptionname{spanish}{\lstlistlistingname}{Sección de Códigos}
  6. \renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{Código}
  7. \renewcommand{\lstlistlistingname}{Códigos}
  8. \lstset{ frame=Ltb,
  9. framerule=0pt,
  10. aboveskip=0.2cm,
  11. framextopmargin=3pt,
  12. framexbottommargin=3pt,
  13. framexleftmargin=0.4cm,
  14. framesep=0pt,
  15. rulesep=.4pt,
  16. backgroundcolor=\color{gray97},
  17. rulesepcolor=\color{black},
  18. %
  19. stringstyle=\ttfamily,
  20. showstringspaces = false,
  21. %basicstyle=\small\ttfamily,
  22. %basicstyle=\small,
  23. commentstyle=\color{gray45}\ttfamily,
  24. keywordstyle=\bfseries,
  25. %
  26. numbers=left,
  27. numbersep=15pt,
  28. numberstyle=\tiny,
  29. numberfirstline = false,
  30. breaklines=true,
  31. }