Repository for the international webinar 2021, prepared with Jade, ITM, and Óbuda universities.
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3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
  1. \documentclass{article}
  2. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  3. \usepackage{lipsum}
  4. \newcommand{\mytext}{Here is my own dummy text command to fill-up space over the document. The text has no sense and you can continue reading, nevertheless, you will not find useful information. Please stop reading.}
  5. \title{Font styles and decalrations}
  6. \author{Gerardo Marx Chávez-Campos}
  7. \date{February 2021}
  8. \begin{document}
  9. \maketitle
  10. \section{Font Changing Text-Block Commands}
  11. \textrm{Roman text}\newline
  12. \textsf{San Serif text}\newline
  13. \textbf{Bold}\\
  14. \texttt{Type Writter}\\
  15. \textit{Italic text}\\
  16. \textup{Up and Right}\\
  17. \textsc{Small Capitals}\\
  18. \underline{Underlined text}\\
  19. \section{Font changing declarations}
  20. \subsection{Environments}
  21. \begin{sffamily}
  22. The text here will change.
  23. \end{sffamily}
  24. \subsection{Localised declarations}
  25. {\sffamily\slshape Localised declarations: \lipsum[1]}. Here declarations do not affect.
  26. \itshape Declarations that later are reset: \lipsum[1] \normalfont. Normal text here again.
  27. Mixing text-block and modal commands: \textsc{\rmfamily \lipsum[3]}
  28. \textbf{\textit{Nested declarations: \lipsum[6]}}
  29. \section{Font Size}
  30. \begin{tiny}
  31. Some tiny text.
  32. \end{tiny}
  33. \scriptsize{\lipsum[5]}
  34. \footnotesize{\lipsum[10]}
  35. \small{\lipsum[99]}
  36. \normalfont{\lipsum[12]}
  37. \large{\mytext}
  38. \Large{\mytext}
  39. \LARGE{\mytext}
  40. \huge{\mytext}
  41. \Huge{\mytext}
  42. \end{document}