Repository for the international webinar 2021, prepared with Jade, ITM, and Óbuda universities.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

154 lines
6.1 KiB

3 years ago
  1. \documentclass{article}
  2. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  3. \usepackage[english]{babel}
  4. \usepackage{hyperref}
  5. \usepackage{dtk-logos}
  6. \usepackage{authblk}
  7. \title{References \LaTeX{} Webinar}
  8. \date{Feb 19th 2021}
  9. \author[1]{Gerardo Marx Chávez-Campos}
  10. \author[3]{Tobias}
  11. \author[2]{Gabor}
  12. \author[3]{Kai Mecke}
  13. \author[1]{Adriana Herrera}
  14. \author[1]{Yazmin Ibarra}
  15. \author[3]{Matthias Haupt}
  16. \author[6]{Mouhcine Saissi}
  17. \author[3]{Sathurya Jegatheeswaran}
  18. \author[3]{Thore Wagner}
  19. \author[3]{Sultan Alanazi}
  20. \author[3]{Yannick}
  21. \author[2]{Kaziwa Saleh}
  22. \author[3]{Timon Ahrens}
  23. \author[3]{Jens Rosenau}
  24. \author[1]{Sofía Suárez}
  25. \author[3]{Rik van Deursen}
  26. \author[2]{Farida Asadova}
  27. \author[4]{H.P. Baxxter}
  28. % ....
  29. \affil[1]{Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia}
  30. \affil[2]{Óbuda University}
  31. \affil[3]{Jade Hochschule}
  32. \affil[4]{Techno University}
  33. \begin{document}
  34. \maketitle
  35. \section{Team Tasks}
  36. We are all working in this document. Maybe its a good idea to have a sandbox document somewhere else. Only copy code that you have already "debugged".
  37. \subsection{Step 1: First Interaction}
  38. \begin{itemize}
  39. \item Write your name into the authors list and add your affiliation.
  40. \end{itemize}
  41. \subsection{Step 2: First Reference}
  42. \begin{itemize}
  43. \item Find your team in the zoom Breakout session
  44. \item Find a suitable name for your team and name you team playground accordingly.
  45. \item Generate a short text (not lorem ipsum) in your playground.
  46. \item Check the *.bib file in this project and select an interesting publication.
  47. \item Add a reference to your text. \footnote{If the content does not match - that does not mater yet...}
  48. \end{itemize}
  49. Then - we meet again in the plenum (main room) and fix issues and answer questions.
  50. \subsection{Step 3: First Entry}
  51. \begin{itemize}
  52. \item Create a bibliography entry \footnote{Create a fictional publication as needed. Invent the content and topic. The authors are you and your team members.} of yourself.
  53. \item Add an indirect citation with a stunning statement from your fictional publication.
  54. \item Cite yourself
  55. \item Check that your entry shows up in the
  56. \item Add a reference to your text.
  57. \end{itemize}
  58. \clearpage
  59. \section{Team Playground}
  60. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  61. %\clearpage
  62. \subsection{Team 1: ATSM}
  63. (Produktentwicklung)
  64. Large volumes of water are commonly used during the postharvest handling and
  65. processing of minimally processed fruits and vegetables \cite{Vanmaele.1993}. Economic considerations and wastewater discharge regulations make water recirculation a common practice in the industry. Few practices have the capacity of water recirculation to increase the potential risk of foodborne illness by readily distributing a point source contaminant (one lot, one bin, or even one plant) to noncontaminated produce \cite{Lawrenz.2011}.
  66. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  67. %\clearpage
  68. \subsection{Team 2: JeSoSa}
  69. Since 2000 there have been dramatic changes in the nature of higher education. It is not just that participation rates are higher than ever, bringing much greater diversity in the student population, but that these and other factors have altered the main mission of higher education and modes of delivery.\cite{Baumgartner.1995} One consequence is that the major thrust in teaching is more on professional and vocational programmes and concerns about teaching effectiveness \cite{Biggs.2011}.
  70. %\bibliographystyle{plain}
  71. %\bibliography{ExampleBibliography}
  72. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  73. %\clearpage
  74. \subsection{Team 3: TiRiYaHa}
  75. The paper is devote d to the finit e element analysis of second order e Hipt ie
  76. eigenvalue problems in the case when the approximate domains Oh are not subdomains of the
  77. original domain fl a U2 \cite{VDIFachbereichProduktentwicklungundMechatronik.}. The considérations are restricted to piecewise linear approximations
  78. and in the case of eigenfunctions to simple eigenvalues \cite{Biggs.2011}. The optimum rates of convergence for
  79. hoth the approximate eigenvalues and the approximate eigenfunctions are obtained \cite{Vanmaele.1993}.
  80. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  81. %\clearpage
  82. \subsection{Team 4: KTFY}
  83. Authors of \cite{ehsani2018segan} state that humans have strong ability to make inferences about the appearance of the invisible and occluded parts of scenes. For example, when we look at the scene depicted \footnote{The figure is in the original paper \cite[p 55]{Kernighan.2015}} we can make predictions about what is behind the coffee table, and can even complete the sofa based on the visible parts of the sofa, the coffee table, and what we know in general about sofas and coffee tables and how they occlude each other \cite{Lee.1999}.
  84. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  85. %\clearpage
  86. \subsection{Team 5: MRA}
  87. Dieter Muhs , Herbert Wittel , Dieter Jannasch ,Joachim Voßiek , Roloff /Matek Maschinenelemente. GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, Deutschland \cite{(2007)}.
  88. h
  89. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  90. %\clearpage
  91. % \section{References}
  92. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  93. % \clearpage
  94. \subsection{Demo-Playground}
  95. For the fundamentals of C programming refer to Kernighan and Ritchie \cite{Kernighan.2015}.
  96. \BibTeX
  97. \bibliographystyle{plain}
  98. \bibliography{ExampleBibliography}
  99. \clearpage
  100. \section{Feedback session}
  101. \subsection{Answer with a number between 1 to 5 (where 1 is bad, not good, and 5 is excellent}
  102. \subsubsection{What do you think about the lectures?}
  103. 555555
  104. \subsubsection{How was the environment?}
  105. 545555
  106. \subsubsection{How was the organizing?}
  107. 45555
  108. \subsubsection{Will you write your next thesis in \LaTeX? :)}
  109. 55555
  110. \subsubsection{The webinar was what you were expecting?}
  111. 455555
  112. \subsection{Answer with short (or long) text}
  113. \subsubsection{What other topics should be included or extended?}
  114. Spell checking
  115. \subsubsection{What was good?}
  116. the exercises with marx have been really helpful
  117. The time for Questions.
  118. Topics and explanations
  119. Breakoutsessions 5 out of 5 <- agree
  120. \subsubsection{What can be improved?}
  121. more exercises to improve latex skills and some exercises for self-study after the seminar
  122. Better timing with the groups.
  123. PDF Document with the info on the webinar to be able to revise the topics and look at it on a later date.
  124. I agree with the three above
  125. \end{document}