Repository for the international webinar 2021, prepared with Jade, ITM, and Óbuda universities.
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  1. # How to Write your Next Thesis in LaTeX #
  2. *An International Webinar between Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia, Jade University of Applied Science and Óbuda University*
  3. # Repository organization
  4. The repository is organized in the next way. The `1_basics` folder includes information (presentations or guides), examples source code, and any other useful information that the attendant can review during or after the webinar.
  5. # Webinar Contents ##
  6. Here you can find the highlights of each day lecture, to avoid repetitive points during the webinar.
  7. -------
  8. ## Day 1: Introduction (Marx)
  9. * What is LaTeX?
  10. * How LaTeX works?
  11. * Exploring Overleaf (Windows, organization, files)
  12. * Compiling a basic document
  13. * Using basic commands and definitions
  14. * document options and geometry
  15. * Defining new vars, paragraph spaces, tabulation space, and text sizes
  16. * A dummy text definition command
  17. * The minipage challenge
  18. Here are some basic but useful information about the eexamples and packages that we use during the webinar. If you require more deep information you can visit the links provided along the Readme file.
  19. ### Example 1: Hello LaTeX
  20. A basic example to test any LaTeX distribution is:
  21. ```TeX
  22. \documentclass{standalone}
  23. \begin{document}
  24. Hello \LaTeX{}
  25. \end{document}
  26. ```
  27. ### Example 2: Fonts and Styles
  28. #### Latex Font Formats
  29. Font formats, like bold or italics, are useful for highlight important text section by taking the reader's attention. Next are listed the most common used formats; if you need a detailed manual please look the [LaTeX2e font selection manual](
  30. | Code | Notes |
  31. |------|------|
  32. |`\textbf{}`| for bold text|
  33. |`\textmd{}` |for medium|
  34. |`\textit{}` |for italics|
  35. |`\textsl{}` |for slanted|
  36. |`\underline{}` |for underline|
  37. |`\textsc{}` |for small capital letters|
  38. |`\uppercase{}` |for large capital letters|
  39. |`\textsuperscript{}`| for raised text|
  40. |`\textsubscript{}`| for lowered text|
  41. |`\texttt{}` |for terminal text|
  42. |`\oldstylenums{}` |for old number font|
  43. #### Font sizes
  44. The font formats and sizes **are not modified frequently**, most of the time LaTeX makes a good work with them. However, here are some common font size modifiers to work with:
  45. |Class option|10pt |11pt|12pt|
  46. |-------------|----|----|----|
  47. |\Huge|25pt|25pt|25pt|
  48. |\huge|20pt|20pt|25pt|
  49. |\LARGE|17pt|17pt|20pt|
  50. |\Large|14pt|14pt|17pt|
  51. |\large|12pt|12pt|14pt|
  52. |\normalsize(default)|10pt|11pt|12pt|
  53. |\small|9pt|10pt|11pt|
  54. |\footnotesize|8pt|9pt|10pt|
  55. |\scriptsize|7pt|8pt|8pt|
  56. |\tiny|5pt|6pt|6pt|
  57. ### Example 3: Geometry and Lengths
  58. #### Geometry package
  59. The documents geometry can be handle by natural LaTeX commands. Howeever, there is a useful package to make it easier. The package is `Geometry`.
  60. ![](
  61. ##### Units
  62. The next table list the valid units used on LaTeX [^1].
  63. | Abbreviation | Value |
  64. |--------------|--------|
  65. | `pt` | a point is approximately 1/72.27 inch, that means about 0.0138 inch or 0.3515 mm (exactly point is defined as 1/864 of American printer’s foot that is 249/250 of English foot)|
  66. |`mm`| a millimeter|
  67. |`cm`| a centimeter|
  68. |`in`| inch|
  69. |`ex` |roughly the height of an 'x' (lowercase) in the current font (it depends on the font used)|
  70. |`em` |roughly the width of an 'M' (uppercase) in the current font (it depends on the font used)|
  71. |`mu` |math unit equal to 1/18 em, where em is taken from the math symbols family|
  72. [^1]: Extracted from [Overleaf](
  73. ----
  74. ### Day 2: Document Classes and Sectional Units ###
  75. ### Day 3: Equations, Tables and Figures (Marx) ###
  76. * Inline equations
  77. * Equation's environment
  78. * Cross-references with `\ref`
  79. * `amsmath` package
  80. * The equation challenge
  81. * The Matrix challenge
  82. * Tables and `booktabs` package
  83. * The `graphicx` package and short titles
  84. * Subfigures challenge
  85. * Table of Contents
  86. * Changing the way it looks
  87. #### The equation challenge
  88. First the Fourier series coefficients:
  89. ![](
  90. Then, the complete Equation:
  91. ![](
  92. If you need an extended manual please take a look to the [short math guide](
  93. #### Matrices
  94. By using the `amsmath` package it is possible to write easily matrices by:
  95. ``` tex
  96. \begin{bmatrix}
  97. 1 & 2 & 3\\
  98. a & b & c
  99. \end{bmatrix}
  100. ```
  101. you also use `pmatrix`, `Bmatrix` , `vmatrix`, and `Vmatrix`.
  102. #### Subfigures
  103. ```TeX
  104. %preamble
  105. \usepackage{caption}
  106. \usepackage{subcaption}
  107. .....
  108. %on body
  109. \begin{figure}
  110. \centering
  111. \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
  112. \centering
  113. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graph1}
  114. \caption{$y=x$}
  115. \label{fig:y equals x}
  116. \end{subfigure}
  117. \hfill
  118. \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
  119. \centering
  120. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graph2}
  121. \caption{$y=3sinx$}
  122. \label{fig:three sin x}
  123. \end{subfigure}
  124. \hfill
  125. \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\textwidth}
  126. \centering
  127. \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graph3}
  128. \caption{$y=5/x$}
  129. \label{fig:five over x}
  130. \end{subfigure}
  131. \caption{Three simple graphs}
  132. \label{fig:three graphs}
  133. \end{figure}
  134. ```
  135. #### Subtables
  136. ``` tex
  137. \begin{table}[h]
  138. \begin{subtable}[h]{0.45\textwidth}
  139. \centering
  140. \begin{tabular}{l | l | l}
  141. Day & Max Temp & Min Temp \\
  142. \hline \hline
  143. Mon & 20 & 13\\
  144. Tue & 22 & 14\\
  145. Wed & 23 & 12\\
  146. Thurs & 25 & 13\\
  147. Fri & 18 & 7\\
  148. Sat & 15 & 13\\
  149. Sun & 20 & 13
  150. \end{tabular}
  151. \caption{First Week}
  152. \label{tab:week1}
  153. \end{subtable}
  154. \hfill
  155. \begin{subtable}[h]{0.45\textwidth}
  156. \centering
  157. \begin{tabular}{l | l | l}
  158. Day & Max Temp & Min Temp \\
  159. \hline \hline
  160. Mon & 17 & 11\\
  161. Tue & 16 & 10\\
  162. Wed & 14 & 8\\
  163. Thurs & 12 & 5\\
  164. Fri & 15 & 7\\
  165. Sat & 16 & 12\\
  166. Sun & 15 & 9
  167. \end{tabular}
  168. \caption{Second Week}
  169. \label{tab:week2}
  170. \end{subtable}
  171. \caption{Max and min temps recorded in the first two weeks of July}
  172. \label{tab:temps}
  173. \end{table}
  174. ```
  175. ### Day 4: Plots with PGFPlots package(Marx) ###
  176. * Making plots from equation
  177. * Plotting data from a simple experiment
  178. * Title, labels, and ticks configuration
  179. * Multi-trace plots and its configuration
  180. * Bar and scatter plots
  181. * Reading data from a `CSV` files
  182. ### Day 5: References with Bibtex (Kai) ###
  183. What is a reference?
  184. What is a good reference?
  185. * A simple reference Workflow with BibTEX
  186. * Citation Styles
  187. * Workflow Improvements
  188. * Tools
  189. * BibTEX
  190. * JabRef
  191. * Citavi
  192. * Zotero
  193. Certficates
  194. Feedback session