Repository for the international webinar 2021, prepared with Jade, ITM, and Óbuda universities.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
2.0 KiB

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  17. \HUGE{\bf Write your Next Thesis in \LaTeX{}}\par
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  21. \Huge{ International Webinar }\\
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  27. \textbf{PRESENTED BY THE CAROLINA DYNAMICAL \\ SYSTEMS GROUP}. Some more text here to fill the space. You need to get the reader to stop and read a bit more. Some more text here to fill the space. \par
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  30. \begin{minipage}[b]{0.37\textwidth}
  31. \textbf{\large INVITED SPEAKERS}\par
  32. {\leavevmode \raggedright
  33. Dr Liang Foo\\
  34. Dr Berry Ling\\
  35. Dr Zezsko Petrovick \\
  36. Dr A Berchowitz\\
  37. \par{}
  38. }
  39. \medskip
  40. \large{\textbf{VENUE}}
  41. The symposium will take place at Clemson University.
  42. \medskip
  43. {\large\raggedright
  44. {\textbf{DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS}}
  45. \par
  46. }
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  51. \textbf{\large ORGANIZERS}\par
  52. Martin Schmoll, Clemson University\\
  53. Predrag Punosevac, Augusta State \\
  54. University
  55. \medskip
  56. \textbf{\large CONTACT }\par
  57. Predrag Punosevac, Augusta State\\
  58. University
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  63. \HUGE{\bf APRIL 5 $\cdot$ 2012}\\
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