- #!/bin/sh
- # A modular status bar for dwm
- # Joe Standring <git@joestandring.com>
- # GNU GPLv3
- # Dependencies: xorg-xsetroot
- # Import functions with "$include /route/to/module"
- # It is recommended that you place functions in the subdirectory ./bar-functions and use: . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_example.sh"
- # Store the directory the script is running from
- LOC=$(readlink -f "$0")
- DIR=$(dirname "$LOC")
- # Change the appearance of the module identifier. if this is set to "unicode", then symbols will be used as identifiers instead of text. E.g. [📪 0] instead of [MAIL 0].
- # Requires a font with adequate unicode character support
- export IDENTIFIER="unicode"
- # Change the charachter(s) used to seperate modules. If two are used, they will be placed at the start and end.
- export SEP1="["
- export SEP2="]"
- # Import the modules
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_countdown.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_alarm.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_transmission.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_cmus.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_mpc.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_spotify.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_resources.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_battery.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_mail.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_backlight.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_alsa.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_pulse.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_weather.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_vpn.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_networkmanager.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_keyboard.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_ccurse.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_date.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_connman.sh"
- . "$DIR/bar-functions/dwm_loadavg.sh"
- # Update dwm status bar every second
- while true
- do
- xsetroot -name "$(dwm_connman)$(dwm_countdown)$(dwm_alarm.sh)$(dwm_transmission)$(dwm_cmus)$(dwm_mpc)$(dwm_spotify)$(dwm_resources)$(dwm_battery)$(dwm_mail)$(dwm_backlight)$(dwm_alsa)$(dwm_pulse)$(dwm_weather)$(dwm_vpn)$(dwm_networkmanager)$(dwm_keyboard)$(dwm_ccurse)$(dwm_date)$(dwm_loadavg)"
- sleep 1
- done