- #!/bin/sh
- # A dwm_bar function that shows the current artist, track, duration, and status from Spotify using playerctl
- # Joe Standring <git@joestandring.com>
- # GNU GPLv3
- # Dependencies: spotify, playerctl
- # TODO: Find a method to get track position data and shuffle status (currently playerctl does not work for this)
- dwm_spotify () {
- if ps -C spotify > /dev/null; then
- ARTIST=$(playerctl -p spotify metadata artist)
- TRACK=$(playerctl -p spotify metadata title)
- DURATION=$(playerctl -p spotify metadata mpris:length | sed 's/.\{6\}$//')
- STATUS=$(playerctl -p spotify status)
- if [ "$IDENTIFIER" = "unicode" ]; then
- if [ "$STATUS" = "Playing" ]; then
- STATUS="▶"
- else
- STATUS="⏸"
- fi
- else
- if [ "$STATUS" = "Playing" ]; then
- else
- fi
- fi
- printf "%s%s %s - %s " "$SEP1" "$STATUS" "$ARTIST" "$TRACK"
- printf "%0d:%02d" $((DURATION%3600/60)) $((DURATION%60))
- printf "%s\n" "$SEP2"
- fi
- }
- dwm_spotify