- #!/bin/sh
- # A dwm_bar function to show the status of a torrent woth transmission-remote
- # Joe Standring <git@joestandring.com>
- # GNU GPLv3
- # Dependencies: transmission-remote
- dwm_transmission () {
- TORRENT=$(transmission-remote -l | sed '2q;d' | sed 's/\(.\) /\1/g')
- ID=$(printf "%s" "$TORRENT" | awk '{print $1;}')
- STATUS=$(printf "%s" "$TORRENT" | awk '{print $8;}')
- ETA=$(printf "%s" "$TORRENT" | awk '{print $4;}')
- NAME=$(printf "%s" "$TORRENT" | awk '{for(i=9;i<=NF;++i)print $i}' | tr -d "\n" | head -c 20; printf "...")
- DONE=$(printf "%s" "$TORRENT" | awk '{print $2;}')
- UP=$(printf "%s" "$TORRENT" | awk '{print $5;}')
- DOWN=$(printf "%s" "$TORRENT" | awk '{print $5;}')
- if [ "$ID" != "Sum:" ]; then
- printf "%s" "$SEP1"
- if [ "$IDENTIFIER" = "unicode" ]; then
- case "$STATUS" in
- "Idle")
- printf "🛑 %s | %s %s ⬆%s ⬇%s" "$NAME" "$DONE" "$ETA" "$UP" "$DOWN"
- ;;
- "Seeding")
- printf "🌱 %s | ⬆%s ⬇%s" "$NAME" "$UP" "$DOWN"
- ;;
- "Downloading")
- printf "⏬ %s | %s %s ⬆%s ⬇%s" "$NAME" "$DONE" "$ETA" "$UP" "$DOWN"
- ;;
- esac
- else
- case "$STATUS" in
- "Idle")
- printf "IDLE %s | %s %s ⬆%s ⬇%s" "$NAME" "$DONE" "$ETA" "$UP" "$DOWN"
- ;;
- "Seeding")
- printf "SEEDING %s | ⬆%s ⬇%s" "$NAME" "$UP" "$DOWN"
- ;;
- "Downloading")
- printf "DOWNLOADING %s | %s %s ⬆%s ⬇%s" "$NAME" "$DONE" "$ETA" "$UP" "$DOWN"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- printf "%s\n" "$SEP2"
- fi
- }
- dwm_transmission