dwm-bar for archlinux
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30 lines
822 B

5 years ago
  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # A modular status bar for dwm
  3. # Joe Standring <jstandring@pm.me>
  4. # GNU GPLv3
  5. # Dependencies: xorg-xsetroot
  6. # Import functions with "$include /route/to/module"
  7. # It is reccomended that you place functions in the subdirectory ./functions and use: . "$DIR/modules/dwm_example.sh"
  8. # Store the directory the script is running from
  9. LOC=$(readlink -f "$0")
  10. DIR=$(dirname "$LOC")
  11. # Import the modules
  12. . "$DIR/functions/dwm_countdown.sh"
  13. . "$DIR/functions/dwm_cmus.sh"
  14. . "$DIR/functions/dwm_resources.sh"
  15. . "$DIR/functions/dwm_mail.sh"
  16. . "$DIR/functions/dwm_alsa.sh"
  17. . "$DIR/functions/dwm_weather.sh"
  18. . "$DIR/functions/dwm_date.sh"
  19. # Update dwm's status bar every second
  20. while true
  21. do
  22. xsetroot -name "$(dwm_countdown)$(dwm_cmus)$(dwm_resources)$(dwm_mail)$(dwm_alsa)$(dwm_weather)$(dwm_date)"
  23. sleep 1
  24. done