- #!/bin/sh
- # A dwm_bar function that shows the current artist, track, position, duration, and status from cmus
- # Joe Standring <jstandring@pm.me>
- # GNU GPLv3
- # Dependencies: cmus
- dwm_cmus () {
- if ps -C cmus > /dev/null; then
- ARTIST=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep -a '^tag artist' | awk '{gsub("tag artist ", "");print}')
- TRACK=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep -a '^tag title' | awk '{gsub("tag title ", "");print}')
- POSITION=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep -a '^position' | awk '{gsub("position ", "");print}')
- DURATION=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep -a '^duration' | awk '{gsub("duration ", "");print}')
- STATUS=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep -a '^status' | awk '{gsub("status ", "");print}')
- SHUFFLE=$(cmus-remote -Q | grep -a '^set shuffle' | awk '{gsub("set shuffle ", "");print}')
- if [ $STATUS == "playing" ]; then
- STATUS="\U25B6"
- else
- STATUS="\U23F8"
- fi
- if [ $SHUFFLE == "true" ]; then
- SHUFFLE=" \U1F500"
- else
- fi
- printf "[$STATUS $ARTIST - $TRACK "
- printf "%0d:%02d/" $(($POSITION%3600/60)) $(($POSITION%60))
- printf "%0d:%02d" $(($DURATION%3600/60)) $(($DURATION%60))
- printf "$SHUFFLE]\n"
- fi
- }
- dwm_cmus