- #!/bin/sh
- # A dwm_bar function to show the current network connection/SSID, Wifi Strength, private IP using Connmanctl.
- # procrastimax <heykeroth.dev@gmail.com>
- # GNU GPLv3
- # Dependencies: connman
- dwm_connman () {
- printf "%s" "$SEP1"
- if [ "$IDENTIFIER" = "unicode" ]; then
- printf "🌐 "
- else
- printf "NET "
- fi
- # get the connmanctl service name
- # this is a UID starting with 'vpn_', 'wifi_', or 'ethernet_', we dont care for the vpn one
- # if the servicename string is empty, there is no online connection
- SERVICENAME=$(connmanctl services | grep -E "^\*AO|^\*O" | grep -Eo 'wifi_.*|ethernet_.*')
- if [ ! "$SERVICENAME" ]; then
- printf "OFFLINE"
- printf "%s\n" "$SEP2"
- return
- else
- STRENGTH=$(connmanctl services "$SERVICENAME" | sed -n -e 's/Strength =//p' | tr -d ' ')
- CONNAME=$(connmanctl services "$SERVICENAME" | sed -n -e 's/Name =//p' | tr -d ' ')
- IP=$(connmanctl services "$SERVICENAME" | grep 'IPv4 =' | awk '{print $5}' | sed -n -e 's/Address=//p' | tr -d ',')
- fi
- # if STRENGTH is empty, we have a wired connection
- if [ "$STRENGTH" ]; then
- printf "%s %s %s%%" "$IP" "$CONNAME" "$STRENGTH"
- else
- printf "%s %s" "$IP" "$CONNAME"
- fi
- printf "%s\n" "$SEP2"
- }
- dwm_connman