dwm-bar supports the [extrabar](https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/status2d/dwm-status2d-extrabar-6.2.diff) patch for dwm. This allows the user to add a second status bar at the bottom of the screen. To add the second bar:
1. Patch dwm with the the [extrabar](https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/status2d/dwm-status2d-extrabar-6.2.diff) plugin
2. Comment out the line ```xsetroot -name "$upperbar"``` in ```dwm_bar.sh```
3. Uncomment the line ```xsetroot -name "$upperbar;$lowerbar"``` in ```dwm_bar.sh```
4. Append functions underneath ```upperbar=""``` and ```lowerbar=""```. For example:
# Append results of each func one by one to the upperbar string
# Append results of each func one by one to the lowerbar string
## Recommendations
To make the most out of Unicode support, consider using a font that includes many Unicode characters. For example: