5 years ago | |
functions | 5 years ago | |
LICENSE | 5 years ago | |
README.md | 5 years ago | |
TODO | 5 years ago | |
dwm_bar.sh | 5 years ago |
A modular statusbar for DWM
Displays the current master volume of ALSA
[🔉 55]
Dependencies: alsa-utils
Displays the status of countdown
[⏳ 00:10:00]
Dependeincies: [countdown](https://github.com/joestandring/countdown)
Displays the current keyboard layout
[⌨ gb]
Dependencies: xorg-setxkbmap
Displays information regarding memory, CPU temperature, and storage
[🖥 MEM 1.3Gi/15Gi CPU 45C STO 2.3G/200G: 2%]
displays current cmus status, artist, track, position, duration, and shuffle
[▶ The Unicorns - Tuff Ghost 0:43/2:56 🔀]
Dependencies: cmus
Displays the current date and time
[🕰 Mon 06-05-19 21:31:58]
Displays the current number of emails in an inbox
[📫 2]
Displays the current weather provided by wttr.in
[☀ +20°C]
$ git clone https://github.com/joestandring/dwm-bar
$ cd dwm-bar
$ chmod +x dwm_bar.sh
Simply run the script and dwm should display your bar:
$ ./dwm_bar.sh
If you would like your bar to be displayed when X starts, add this to your .xinitrc file before launching dwm. For example, if the script is located in /home/$USER/dwm-bar/:
# Statusbar
/home/$USER/dwm-bar/dwm_status.sh &
# Start dwm
exec dwm
dwm-bar is completley modular, meaning you can mix and match functions to your hearts content. It's functions are located in the functions/ subdirectory and included in dwm_bar.sh If you want to make your own function, for example dwm_myfunction.sh, you should create it in the functions/ subdirectory before including it in dwm_bar.sh and adding it to the xsetroot command:
# Import the modules
. "$DIR/functions/dwm_myfucntion"
while true
xsetroot -name "$(dwm_myfunction)"
sleep 1
Code for some functions was modified from: