- class Graph{ //ContentType (1)
- private:
- String title;
- char graphType; //'a' Vertical Bar, 'b' Horizontal Bar, 'c' Cartesian Graph
- //Assign whatever value in "configure(..." if a parameter is not required for the specified graphType
- double value; //For: Vertical Bar Horizontal Bar Cartesian
- double xpos; //For: Vertical Bar Horizontal Bar Cartesian
- double ypos; //For: Vertical Bar Horizontal Bar Cartesian
- double height; //For: Vertical Bar Horizontal Bar Cartesian
- double width; //For: Vertical Bar Horizontal Bar Cartesian
- double yminimum; //For: Vertical Bar Cartesian
- double ymaximum; //For: Vertical Bar Cartesian
- double xminimum; //For: Horizontal Bar Cartesian
- double xmaximum; //For: Horizontal Bar Cartesian
- double yStepSize; //For: Vertical Bar Cartesian
- double xStepSize; //For: Horizontal Bar Cartesian
- int digit; //For: Vertical Bar Horizontal Bar Cartesian
- int * maximum;
- double x;
- double yrange;
- double xrange;
- double ox;
- double oy;
- double count;
- double graphScale;
- bool redraw = true;
- int previousScreen = 0;
- int previousContentType = 0;
- public:
- //This method configures the graph created, defines its parameters according the type of graph selected.
- void configure(String title, char graphType, double xpos, double ypos, double width, double height,
- double yminimum, double ymaximum, double xminimum, double xmaximum, double yStepSize, double xStepSize, int digit, void *maximum){
- this->title = title;
- this->graphType = graphType;
- this->yminimum = yminimum;
- this->ymaximum = ymaximum;
- this->xminimum = xminimum;
- this->count = xminimum;
- this->xmaximum = xmaximum;
- this->height = height;
- this->width = width;
- this->yStepSize = yStepSize;
- this->xStepSize = xStepSize;
- this->digit = digit;
- this->xpos = xpos;
- this->ypos = ypos;
- this->maximum = (int *) maximum;
- switch(graphType){
- case 'a':
- this->yrange = ymaximum - yminimum;
- this->graphScale = (yStepSize) * (height / this->yrange) - .001; //Adjusts the scale of the graph, according to the range and the size of the step
- break;
- case 'b':
- this->xrange = xmaximum - xminimum;
- this->graphScale = (xStepSize) * (width / this->xrange) - .001; //Adjusts the scale of the graph, according to the range and the size of the step
- break;
- case 'c':
- this->yrange = ymaximum - yminimum;
- break;
- }
- }
- void drawGraph(){
- double level, data, i;
- switch(graphType){
- case 'a':
- double my;
- if (this->redraw) { //Prints the labels
- display.clearDisplay();
- this->redraw = false;
- display.fillRect(0, 0, 127 , 14, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.setTextColor(SSD1306_BLACK, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.setTextSize(1);
- display.setCursor(2, 4);
- display.println(this->title);
- for (i = 0; i <= this->height; i += this->graphScale) {
- my = this->ypos - this->height + i;
- display.drawFastHLine(this->xpos + this->width + 1, my, 5, SSD1306_WHITE);
- // draw lables
- display.setTextSize(1);
- display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE, SSD1306_BLACK);
- display.setCursor(this->xpos + this->width + 12, my - 3 );
- data = this->ymaximum - ( i * (this->yStepSize / this->graphScale));
- display.print(data, this->digit);
- }
- }
- // compute level of bar graph that is scaled to the height and the hi and low vals
- // this is needed to accompdate for +/- range
- level = (this->height * (((this->value - this->yminimum) / (this->yrange))));
- // draw the bar graph
- // write a upper and lower bar to minimize flicker cause by blanking out bar and redraw on update
- display.drawRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - this->height, this->width, this->height, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.fillRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - this->height, this->width, this->height - level, SSD1306_BLACK);
- display.drawRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - this->height, this->width, this->height, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.fillRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - level, this->width, level, SSD1306_WHITE);
- // up until now print sends data to a video buffer NOT the screen
- // this call sends the data to the screen
- display.display();
- break;
- case 'b':
- if (this->redraw) {
- display.clearDisplay();
- this->redraw = false;
- display.fillRect(0, 0, 127 , 16, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.setTextColor(SSD1306_BLACK, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.setTextSize(1);
- display.setCursor(2, 4);
- display.println(this->title);
- // draw the text
- for (i = 0; i <= this->width; i += this->graphScale) {
- display.drawFastVLine(i + this->xpos , this->ypos , 5, SSD1306_WHITE);
- // draw lables
- display.setTextSize(1);
- display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE, SSD1306_BLACK);
- display.setCursor(i + this->xpos , this->ypos + 10);
- // addling a small value to eliminate round off errors
- // this val may need to be adjusted
- data = ( i * (this->xStepSize / this->graphScale)) + this->xminimum + 0.00001;
- display.print(data, this->digit);
- }
- }
- // compute level of bar graph that is scaled to the width and the hi and low vals
- // this is needed to accompdate for +/- range capability
- // draw the bar graph
- // write a upper and lower bar to minimize flicker cause by blanking out bar and redraw on update
- level = (this->width * (((this->value - this->xminimum) / (this->xmaximum - this->xminimum))));
- display.fillRect(this->xpos + level, this->ypos - this->height, this->width - level, this->height, SSD1306_BLACK);
- display.drawRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - this->height, this->width, this->height, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.fillRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - this->height, level, this->height, SSD1306_WHITE);
- // up until now print sends data to a video buffer NOT the screen
- // this call sends the data to the screen
- display.display();
- break;
- case 'c':
- double temp;
- if (this->redraw == true) {
- this->redraw = false;
- this->xrange = *this->maximum - xminimum;
- display.clearDisplay();
- display.fillRect(0, 0, 127 , 16, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.setTextColor(SSD1306_BLACK, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.setTextSize(1);
- display.setCursor(2, 4);
- display.println(title);
- this->ox = (this->count - this->xminimum) * (this->width) / (this->xrange) + this->xpos;
- this->oy = (this->value - this->yminimum) * (- this->height) / (this->yrange) + this->ypos;
- // draw y scale
- display.setTextSize(1);
- display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE, SSD1306_BLACK);
- for ( i = this->yminimum; i <= this->ymaximum; i += this->yStepSize) {
- // compute the transform
- // note my transform funcition is the same as the map function, except the map uses long and we need doubles
- temp = (i - this->yminimum) * (- this->height) / (this->ymaximum - this->yminimum) + this->ypos;
- if (i == 0) {
- display.drawFastHLine(this->xpos - 3, temp, this->width + 3, SSD1306_WHITE);
- }
- else {
- display.drawFastHLine(this->xpos - 3, temp, 3, SSD1306_WHITE);
- }
- display.setCursor(this->xpos - 27, temp - 3);
- display.println(i, this->digit);
- }
- // draw x scale
- for (i = this->xminimum; i <= *this->maximum; i += this->xStepSize) {
- // compute the transform
- display.setTextSize(1);
- display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE, SSD1306_BLACK);
- temp = (i - this->xminimum) * (this->width) / (this->xrange) + this->xpos;
- if (i == 0) {
- display.drawFastVLine(temp, this->ypos - this->height, this->height + 3, SSD1306_WHITE);
- }
- else {
- display.drawFastVLine(temp, this->ypos, 3, SSD1306_WHITE);
- }
- display.setCursor(temp, this->ypos + 6);
- display.println(i, this->digit);
- }
- }
- // graph drawn now plot the data
- // the entire plotting code are these few lines...
- this->x = (this->count - this->xminimum) * (this->width) / (this->xrange) + this->xpos;
- this->value = (this->value - this->yminimum) * (- this->height) / (this->yrange) + this->ypos;
- display.drawLine(this->ox, this->oy, this->x, this->value, SSD1306_WHITE);
- display.drawLine(this->ox, this->oy - 1, this->x, this->value - 1, SSD1306_WHITE);
- this->ox = this->x;
- this->oy = this->value;
- // up until now print sends data to a video buffer NOT the screen
- // this call sends the data to the screen
- display.display();
- this->count += 1;
- if(this->ox >= (this->xpos + this->width)){
- this->redraw = true;
- this->count = xminimum;
- }
- }
- }
- void redrawFlag(){ // Activates the redraw bool to get the graph printed correctly
- this->redraw = true;
- this->count = xminimum;
- }
- void setPreviousScreen(int prev){
- this->previousScreen = prev;
- }
- void setPreviousContentType(int prev){
- this->previousContentType = prev;
- }
- int getPreviousScreen(){
- int prev = this->previousScreen;
- return prev;
- }
- int getPreviousContentType(){
- int prev = this->previousContentType;
- return prev;
- }
- void assignValue(double value){
- this->value = value;
- }
- void reset(){
- this->x = 0;
- }
- };