In the example provided, an integer variable *i* is declared to test the graphs.
int i = 0;
To use the interface, it is important to create a Screen and a Keyboard objects, in order to have full control of the interface, that is done in the lines below:
Screen screen;
Keyboard keyboard(13, 12, 14, 27, 30, &screen);
Then, in the setup() function of the program, it's necessary call the configure() method from screen to establish communication, afterwards, the menus and graphs are created. Finally the options in the menus are configured.
//Creates the first option in Menu 0, directing to a graph (contentType = 1 (Graph)), 0 (Graph 0)
screen.createOption(0, "Horizontal graph", 1, 1);
screen.createOption(0, "Cartesian graph", 1, 2);
screen.createOption(0, "Extra option", 0, 1);
screen.createOption(1, "Test", 1, 3);
screen.createOption(1, "Working?", 1, 4);
There are some lines commented below which can be used to test the methods from Screen, to manipulate the interface. These can be tested with a keyboard if configured too.
// screen.increasePos();
// screen.increasePos();
// screen.goTo();
// screen.graphAssignValue(2, 50);
// screen.goBack();
// screen.increasePos();
// screen.goTo();
// screen.goBack();
// screen.decreasePos();
In the loop() function, we find the main methods of Screen and Keyboard, which need to be run continuously. And then, we also manipulate *i* to change its value and be able to plot a sawtooth signal. This value is passed to graph 1 and graph 2.
screen.control(); //Controls the screen and redraws if needed
if(i <= 100){
screen.graphAssignValue(1, i); //Assigning a demo value to Graph 1
screen.graphAssignValue(2, i); //Assigning a demo value to Graph 2
i = 0;
delay(REFRESH); //Refresh time (approx)
The last delay is the time at which the display will refresh.