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@ -23,16 +23,18 @@ Macros are defined to help use the library easily, making possible to modify the
#define MAX_OPTIONS 10 //Maximum number of options for each menu #define MAX_OPTIONS 10 //Maximum number of options for each menu
#define MAX_MENUS 3 #define MAX_MENUS 3
#define MAX_GRAPH 3
#define MAX_GRAPHS 3
#define DISP_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width #define DISP_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width
#define DISP_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height #define DISP_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height
#define REFRESH 10 //Refresh time in ms #define REFRESH 10 //Refresh time in ms
#define ADDRESS 0x3C //I2C address of the display
* **MAX_OPTIONS** defines the maximum number of options a menu can hold, in this case, there can only be three menus in total, as there is only enough memory reserved for them. * **MAX_OPTIONS** defines the maximum number of options a menu can hold, in this case, there can only be three menus in total, as there is only enough memory reserved for them.
* **MAX_MENUS** declares the maximum number of menu screens in the interface, it's not possible to create more menus than this number. * **MAX_MENUS** declares the maximum number of menu screens in the interface, it's not possible to create more menus than this number.
* **MAX_GRAPHS** is the maximum number of graphs to create. * **MAX_GRAPHS** is the maximum number of graphs to create.
* **DISP_WIDTH** and **DISP_HEIGHT** are hardware specific (SSD1306), it's possible to modify this values in the case that it's required to employ a different kind of display. * **DISP_WIDTH** and **DISP_HEIGHT** are hardware specific (SSD1306), it's possible to modify this values in the case that it's required to employ a different kind of display.
* **REFRESH** is the time in milliseconds the interface will take in refreshing (this time affects the loop, keep that in mind) * **REFRESH** is the time in milliseconds the interface will take in refreshing (this time affects the loop, keep that in mind)
* **ADDRESS** address of the display
## Content types ## Content types
@ -260,10 +262,236 @@ The following methods are applied to manage data from Graph.
##### configure() ##### configure()
This method sets up the new graph, its main attributes are defined here. The parameters passed in this case include all the attributes required for any kind of graph, however, as stated in some other methods, this one should not be called, there are some methods in Screen that call for this method and only require the parameters necessary for a certain type of graph (**createVGraph()**, **createHGraph()**, **createCGraph()**), these will be explained later.
This method sets up the new graph, its main attributes are defined here. The parameters passed in this case include all the attributes required for any kind of graph, however, as stated in some other methods, this one should not be called, there are some methods in Screen that call for this method and only require the parameters necessary for a certain type of graph (**createVGraph()**, **createHGraph()**, **createCGraph()**), these will be explained later.
The prototype is:
void configure(String title, char graphType, double xpos, double ypos, double width, double height, double yminimum, double ymaximum, double xminimum, double xmaximum, double yStepSize, double xStepSize, int digit)
According to the type of graph configured, the next calculations are made:
case 'a':
this->yrange = ymaximum - yminimum;
this->graphScale = (yStepSize) * (height / this->yrange) - .001;
case 'b':
this->xrange = xmaximum - xminimum;
this->graphScale = (xStepSize) * (width / this->xrange) - .001;
case 'c':
this->yrange = ymaximum - yminimum;
this->xrange = xmaximum - xminimum;
##### drawGraph()
To draw the graph and plot the values, **drawGraph()** is the method in graph applied. This method is called automatically from Screen when delay(REFRESH) expires. There is a swith case block that allows to print all types of graphs within this function, recognizing them by their **graphType** attribute.
###### Vertical graph (graphType == 'a')
For vertical bar graphs, the following code block is implemented for the creation of the labels:
if (this->redraw) {
this->redraw = false;
display.fillRect(0, 0, 127 , 14, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_BLACK, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.setCursor(2, 4);
for (i = 0; i <= this->height; i += this->graphScale) {
my = this->ypos - this->height + i;
display.drawFastHLine(this->xpos + this->width + 1, my, 5, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE, SSD1306_BLACK);
display.setCursor(this->xpos + this->width + 12, my - 3 );
data = this->ymaximum - ( i * (this->yStepSize / this->graphScale));
display.print(data, this->digit);
To graph the value received, two rectangles are display. A white one fills the portion of the bar occupied by the amount measured. A black rectangle fills the remaining part of the bar, as shown in the next block. This prevents flickering.
level = (this->height * (((this->value - this->yminimum) / (this->yrange))));
display.drawRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - this->height, this->width, this->height, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.fillRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - this->height, this->width, this->height - level, SSD1306_BLACK);
display.drawRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - this->height, this->width, this->height, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.fillRect(this->xpos, this->ypos - level, this->width, level, SSD1306_WHITE);
###### Horizontal graph (graphType == 'b')
For horizontal graphs, the following code block is implemented to diplay the labels of the graph:
if (this->redraw) {
this->redraw = false;
display.fillRect(0, 0, 127 , 16, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_BLACK, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.setCursor(2, 4);
// draw the text
for (i = 0; i <= this->width; i += this->graphScale) {
display.drawFastVLine(i + this->xpos , this->ypos , 5, SSD1306_WHITE);
// draw lables
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE, SSD1306_BLACK);
display.setCursor(i + this->xpos , this->ypos + 10);
// addling a small value to eliminate round off errors
// this val may need to be adjusted
data = ( i * (this->xStepSize / this->graphScale)) + this->xminimum + 0.00001;
display.print(data, this->digit);
Like with the vertical bar, in this case, two rectangles are drawn to avoid flickering. The procedure is the same, only that it happens along the x axis.
###### Cartesian chart
In the following code, the axes are drawn as are their labels.
if (this->redraw == true) {
this->redraw = false;
display.fillRect(0, 0, 127 , 16, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_BLACK, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.setCursor(2, 4);
this->ox = (this->count - this->xminimum) * (this->width) / (this->xrange) + this->xpos;
this->oy = (this->value - this->yminimum) * (- this->height) / (this->yrange) + this->ypos;
// draw y scale
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE, SSD1306_BLACK);
for ( i = this->yminimum; i <= this->ymaximum; i += this->yStepSize) {
// compute the transform
// note my transform funcition is the same as the map function, except the map uses long and we need doubles
temp = (i - this->yminimum) * (- this->height) / (this->ymaximum - this->yminimum) + this->ypos;
if (i == 0) {
display.drawFastHLine(this->xpos - 3, temp, this->width + 3, SSD1306_WHITE);
else {
display.drawFastHLine(this->xpos - 3, temp, 3, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.setCursor(this->xpos - 27, temp - 3);
display.println(i, this->digit);
// draw x scale
for (i = this->xminimum; i <= this->xmaximum; i += this->xStepSize) {
// compute the transform
display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE, SSD1306_BLACK);
temp = (i - this->xminimum) * (this->width) / (this->xrange) + this->xpos;
if (i == 0) {
display.drawFastVLine(temp, this->ypos - this->height, this->height + 3, SSD1306_WHITE);
else {
display.drawFastVLine(temp, this->ypos, 3, SSD1306_WHITE);
display.setCursor(temp, this->ypos + 6);
display.println(i, this->digit);
Two plot the data, the previous ending point of the graph is stored in **ox** and **oy**, and the new values are calculated depending on the value received and the scale of the graph. When the next point in the graph is greater than its width, the graph is redrawn and count is reset, in order to start graphing anew.
##### redrawFlag()
This method is accessed when necessary to redraw the whole interface of the graph. It only sets **redraw** to true.
##### Previous screen storing
It has the same methods as Menu for this, so it's recommended to read about them in the previous section of this document.
##### assignValue()
This method passes a value as a new attribute of the graph so it can be plotted. It has only one parameter, being it a double, corresponding to the value to receive.
##### reset()
Resets the position of x to redraw the cartesian chart when exiting and entering into it from the menus.
### Screen class ### Screen class
This class is the main class of this code, it's responsible for the control of the whole interface, allowing to switch between different menus and graphs, also for receiving data and interacting with the keyboard.
#### Attributes
Screen attributes are listed in the following code and explained afterwards.
Menu menu[MAX_MENUS];
Graph graph[MAX_GRAPHS];
int counterM = 0;
int counterG = 0;
bool redraw = true;
int currentScreen = 0;
int contentType = 0;
* **menu**: This array holds all the menus for the interface, limited by **MAX_MENUS**, see Macros.
* **graph**: This array holds all the graphs for the interface, limited by **MAX_GRAPHS**, see Macros.
* **counterM**: This is the number of menus created, it increases when a new menu is configured using the methods available from Screen.
* **counterG**: This is the number of graphs created, it increases when a new menu is configured using the methods available from Screen.
* **redraw**: Variable to control the redrawing of the interface.
* **currentScreen** and **contentType**: Variables where the current screen direction is stored, so that it's the only screen displayed.
#### Methods
To control the behaviour of the interface the following methods are used.
##### configure()
This method is used to set up the display and also print a welcome message, it is necessary to call this method once the object is created, in order to configure the direction of the display and allow communication. This configuration has place only if the parameter in configure is *true*, otherwise the display is only cleared and the welcome message is printed. Its prototype is shown in the following code block.
void configure(bool fullsetting)
##### createMenu()
This method allows the creation of a new menu. Here is where configure() from Menu is called and the attributes of the object get their values.
void createMenu(int sizex, int sizey)
##### createOption()
This is the recommended method for the creation of an option for a menu, it requires the index of the menu it belongs to, the destination index and type, and the message to show. Its prototype is:
void createOption(int menuIndex, String content, bool destinationTypeMenu, int destinationIndex)
##### Graph creation
To create graphs, it is advisable to do it from Screen, using the methods **createVGraph()**, **createHGraph()** and **createCGraph()**. These allow the allocation of the graphs in the array of the Screen object, allowing them to interact with the interface. Their prototypes are:
void createVGraph(String title, double xpos, double ypos, double width, double height, double yminimum, double ymaximum, double yStepSize, int digit)
void createHGraph(String title, double xpos, double ypos, double width, double height, double xminimum, double xmaximum, double xStepSize, int digit)
void createCGraph(String title, double xpos, double ypos, double width, double height, double yminimum, double ymaximum, double xminimum, double xmaximum, double yStepSize, double xStepSize, int digit)
##### graphAssignValue()
Using this method, it's possible to assing a value to a graph, specifying its index and the variable with the value to assign. This function should be called everytime that such value needs to be updated.
void graphAssignValue(int graphIndex, double value)
##### control()
This method is the main method of Screen. It redraws the content and prints the actual screen when needed, all the interface depends on it. This method should be used in a loop in order to keep it running and refreshing the contents. It will be shown later in the Implementation section.
##### increasePos() and decreasePos()
These methods' sole task is to call the methods to increase or decrease the position of the cursor in the current menu displayed. This methods shouldn't be called directly, there is another method that uses them, though they can be used if we are in a menu screen, otherwise they might not work as expected.
##### goTo()
This method changes the screen and allows to enter a new screen if an option in a menu is currently selected, for that, it needs to check the content currently displayed and retrieve the destination indexes and types using the methods from Menu. Furthermore, it is in charge of storing the current screen as a previous screen inside of the screen to be displayed, where it makes use the other methods defined in Menu, Graph, etc.
### Keyboard class ### Keyboard class
### Implementation ### Implementation
