#define MAX_OPTIONS 10 //Maximum number of options for each menu #define MAX_MENUS 3 #define MAX_GRAPHS 3 #define MAX_MODIFIERS 3 #define DISP_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width #define DISP_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height #define REFRESH 10 //Refresh time in ms //The following constants are used to configure the behaviour of the interface // MAX_OPTIONS defines the maximum number of options a menu can hold // MAX_MENUS declares the maximum number of menu screens in the interface // MAX_GRAPHS is the maximum number of graphs to create // DISP_WIDTH and DISP_HEIGHT are hardware specific (SSD1306) // REFRESH: is the time in miliseconds the interface will take in refreshing (this time affects the loop, keep that in mind) Adafruit_SSD1306 display(DISP_WIDTH, DISP_HEIGHT, &Wire, -1); #include "resources/Option.h" #include "resources/Menu.h" #include "resources/Graph.h" #include "resources/Modifier.h" #include "resources/Screen.h" #include "resources/Keyboard.h"