class Screen{ private: Menu menu[MAX_MENUS]; //Array of menus to use Graph graph[MAX_GRAPHS]; //Array of graphs to use Modifier modifier[MAX_MODIFIERS]; //Array of modifiers to use int counterM = 0; //Number of menus created int counterG = 0; //Number of graphs created int counterMod = 0; bool redraw = true; //Redraw interface for when there is a change of screen int currentScreen = 0; int contentType = 0; public: void configure(bool fullsetting, char address){ //This method allows the configuration of the display when the parameter is true. Otherwise only prints a greeting message. if(fullsetting){ //Adafruit_SSD1306 display(DISP_WIDTH, DISP_HEIGHT, &Wire, -1); Serial.begin(115200); if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, address)) { #ifdef __DEBUG__ Serial.println("Display not found!"); #endif while (true); } } display.clearDisplay(); // Text size display.setTextSize(2); // Text color display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); // Text position display.setCursor(25, 20); display.println("Welcome"); display.setTextSize(1); display.display(); delay(5000); } void createMenu(int sizex, int sizey){ //This method is used for the creation of a menu this->menu[counterM].configure(sizex, sizey); this->counterM++; } void createOption(int menuIndex, String content, int destinationType, int destinationIndex){ //this method should be used for creating an option in a menu this->menu[menuIndex].createOption(content, destinationType, destinationIndex); } void createVGraph(String title, double xpos, double ypos, double width, double height, double yminimum, double ymaximum, double yStepSize, int digit){ //this method calls the configure() of graph for a vertical graph this->graph[counterG].configure(title, 'a', xpos, ypos, width, height, yminimum, ymaximum, 0, 0, yStepSize, 0, digit); this->counterG++; } void createHGraph(String title, double xpos, double ypos, double width, double height, double xminimum, double xmaximum, double xStepSize, int digit){ //this method calls the configure() of graph for a horizontal graph this->graph[counterG].configure(title, 'b', xpos, ypos, width, height, 0, 0, xminimum, xmaximum, 0, xStepSize, digit); counterG++; } void createCGraph(String title, double xpos, double ypos, double width, double height, double yminimum, double ymaximum, double xminimum, double xmaximum, double yStepSize, double xStepSize, int digit){ //this method calls the configure() of graph for a cartesian chart this->graph[counterG].configure(title, 'c', xpos, ypos, width, height, yminimum, ymaximum, xminimum, xmaximum, yStepSize, xStepSize, digit); counterG++; } void createModifier(String title, int *value, int max, int min, int step){ //This method is used for the creation of a menu this->modifier[counterMod].configure(title, value, max, min, step); this->counterMod++; } /* void redrawFlag(){ this->redraw = true; } */ //The following method is used for assingning a value to a graph //This can be avoided using pointers to the variable to plot in the graph void graphAssignValue(int graphIndex, double value){ this->graph[graphIndex].assignValue(value); if(this->currentScreen == graphIndex && this->contentType == 1) this->redraw = true; } //This method controls the whole interface, it needs to be called within a loop void control(){ if (redraw){ if (contentType == 0){ menu[currentScreen].drawMenu(); } else if (contentType == 1){ graph[currentScreen].drawGraph(); } else if (contentType == 2){ modifier[currentScreen].drawModifier(); } this->redraw = false; } } //The following two methods allow the change in position of the cursor void increasePos(){ if(this->menu[this->currentScreen].extractPos() < this->menu[this->currentScreen].extractOptNumber() - 1) this->menu[this->currentScreen].increasePos(); } void decreasePos(){ if(this->menu[this->currentScreen].extractPos() > 0) this->menu[this->currentScreen].decreasePos(); } //This method lets the user go into another screen by selecting an option void goTo(){ if(this->contentType == 0){ int newScreen = this->menu[this->currentScreen].extractDestinationIndex(); int newContentType = this->menu[this->currentScreen].extractDestinationType(); if (newContentType == 0){ this->menu[newScreen].setPreviousScreen(this->currentScreen); this->menu[newScreen].setPreviousContentType(this->contentType); } else if(newContentType == 1){ this->graph[newScreen].setPreviousScreen(this->currentScreen); this->graph[newScreen].setPreviousContentType(this->contentType); this->graph[newScreen].reset(); this->graph[newScreen].redrawFlag(); } else if(newContentType == 2){ this->modifier[newScreen].setPreviousScreen(this->currentScreen); this->modifier[newScreen].setPreviousContentType(this->contentType); } this->contentType = newContentType; this->currentScreen = newScreen; this->redraw = true; } } void goBack(){ if(contentType == 0){ //Gets indexes from previous screen saved in actual screen if it is a menu, and sets them as the current indexes this->currentScreen = this->menu[this->currentScreen].getPreviousScreen(); this->contentType = this->menu[this->currentScreen].getPreviousContentType(); } else if(contentType == 1){ //Gets indexes from previous screen saved in actual screen if it is a graph, and sets them as the current indexes this->currentScreen = this->graph[this->currentScreen].getPreviousScreen(); this->contentType = this->graph[this->currentScreen].getPreviousContentType(); } else if(contentType == 2){ this->currentScreen = this->modifier[this->currentScreen].getPreviousScreen(); this->contentType = this->modifier[this->currentScreen].getPreviousContentType(); } this->redraw = true; } //These methods control the plus and minus button actions void plusAction(){ if(contentType == 0){ increasePos(); } else if(contentType == 2){ this->modifier[currentScreen].increaseValue(); } this->redraw = true; } void minusAction(){ if(contentType == 0){ decreasePos(); } else if(contentType == 2){ this->modifier[currentScreen].decreaseValue(); } this->redraw = true; } int getCurrentScreen(){ return this->currentScreen; } int getContentType(){ return this->contentType; } };