1 year ago | |
DisplayESP32.ino | 1 year ago | |
Readme.md | 1 year ago |
This repository aims to provide some functions for creating a user interface for the display Adafruit SSD1306 on microcontroller ESP32
To be able to use this repository, it's important to first connect the display to the microcontroller, the following diagram shows the way it should be done when using an ESP32-WROOM board. Considers that the Wiki page is not considered by the git system.
To organize your progress, use the issues and projects tabs. In this way, it is possible to schedule your tasks and set milestones. Thus, each week can start by reviewing the pending tasks, organize your week tasks, and at the end of the week check and mark your progress.
Let us start by setting some milestones (proposal, prototype, software function, etc.), set a Due Date, and its description. With your milestones, it will be easy to organize issues and track your progress.
After defining a milestone,
The git-template
includes 9 basic labels to use each time you create an issue. These labels are detailed next:
Considers that this is the main repository. Thus, create projects for main elements (circuit stage, specific behaivior, component, document, simulation, or submodule, etc.) to manage components or submodules related with the main repository.
In the project always create three main boards: Todo, In Progress and Done.