14/2/2023 9:41:44,Ciudad Universitaria ,"Si, funciona",Bdije7,No,NA,"Si, no funciona",Kdiu3,"Si, funciona",Jdjej7,No,Bejj3,"Si, funciona",Jdiy3,"Si, funciona",Jej28,-101.18628,19.72459,12345,"Si, no funciona",Djjeu3
The result of this process once the kml is created is the one shown in the following picture.
The result of this process once the kml is created is the one shown in the following picture.
![Resulting marker created in the kml file](http://gmarxcc.com:8088/MSP430/csv2kml/src/commit/a1a71a1d94db7084d74e3b0c46ef07cabd9e16a7/Marker%20example/kmlexample.png "Marker example")
![Resulting marker created in the kml file](http://gmarxcc.com:8088/MSP430/csv2kml/raw/branch/master/kmlexample.png "Marker example")