# vim-config-beagle The Vim editor can be configured for a basic or advnaced usage. This first approximation is a medium term configuration that enables number lines, syntax on and spell-check options on. Also, some plug-ins are installed to work with `org` files and some kind of File-Explorer Tree (NerdTree) by using the Vim-Plug Framework. Thus, first let's install the Vim-Plug first. ## Installing the Vim-Plug To install the Vim-Plug(for details check [Vim-Plug-Web](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug)), paste the next on terminal ``` curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim ``` ## The `.vimrc` file The contents of the file is shown next: ``` " General set number " Show line numbers set linebreak " Break lines at word (requires Wrap lines) set showbreak=+++ " Wrap-broken line prefix set textwidth=100 " Line wrap (number of cols) set showmatch " Highlight matching brace set visualbell " Use visual bell (no beeping) " Use vim defaults (drop compatibility with vi) set nocompatible syntax on " Enable syntax highlight " more powerfull backspace set ruler " Show cursor position set modeline " Enable modelines set showcmd " Show incomplete commands set ttymouse=xterm2 " Make mouse works inside screen terminal emulator "Spell au BufRead *.txt setlocal spell au BufRead *.org setlocal spell au BufRead *.md setlocal spell set langmenu=en_US " Autofix some mistakes cab W w cab Wq wq cab wQ wq cab WQ wq cab Q q " Plugins manager call plug#begin() " NerdTree Plug 'preservim/NERDTree' Plug 'tpope/vim-speeddating' Plug ' jceb/vim-orgmode' call plug#end() ``` paste it on the `.vimrc` file, if it does not exist, create it at `~/.vimrc`. After save the file run on Vim editor `:PlugInstall` and the editor will install the Plug-ins defined on lines 46 to 48. # How to use the Plugins ## NERDTree ## Vim-orgmode ## Spell Checking Spell checking wouldn’t be very useful if you didn’t have any help correcting the misspelled words, or a way to tell the program that the word is actually correct. Let’s start with correcting words. To move to a misspelled word, use ]s and [s. The ]s command will move the cursor to the next misspelled word, the [s command will move the cursor back through the buffer to previous misspelled words. Once the cursor is on the word, use z=, and Vim will suggest a list of alternatives that it thinks may be correct.