- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- dir="$HOME/.config/polybar"
- themes=(`ls --hide="launch.sh" $dir`)
- launch_bar() {
- # Terminate already running bar instances
- killall -q polybar
- # Wait until the processes have been shut down
- while pgrep -u $UID -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
- # Launch the bar
- if [[ "$style" == "hack" || "$style" == "cuts" ]]; then
- polybar -q top -c "$dir/$style/config.ini" &
- polybar -q bottom -c "$dir/$style/config.ini" &
- elif [[ "$style" == "pwidgets" ]]; then
- bash "$dir"/pwidgets/launch.sh --main
- else
- polybar -q main -c "$dir/$style/config.ini" &
- fi
- }
- if [[ "$1" == "--material" ]]; then
- style="material"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--shades" ]]; then
- style="shades"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--hack" ]]; then
- style="hack"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--docky" ]]; then
- style="docky"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--cuts" ]]; then
- style="cuts"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--shapes" ]]; then
- style="shapes"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--grayblocks" ]]; then
- style="grayblocks"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--blocks" ]]; then
- style="blocks"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--colorblocks" ]]; then
- style="colorblocks"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--forest" ]]; then
- style="forest"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--pwidgets" ]]; then
- style="pwidgets"
- launch_bar
- elif [[ "$1" == "--panels" ]]; then
- style="panels"
- launch_bar
- else
- cat <<- EOF
- Usage : launch.sh --theme
- Available Themes :
- --blocks --colorblocks --cuts --docky
- --forest --grayblocks --hack --material
- --panels --pwidgets --shades --shapes
- fi