- #!/bin/sh
- # A dwm_bar function to display information regarding system memory, CPU temperature, and storage
- # Joe Standring <git@joestandring.com>
- # GNU GPLv3
- df_check_location='/home'
- dwm_resources () {
- # get all the infos first to avoid high resources usage
- free_output=$(free -h | grep Mem)
- df_output=$(df -h $df_check_location | tail -n 1)
- # Used and total memory
- MEMUSED=$(echo $free_output | awk '{print $3}')
- MEMTOT=$(echo $free_output | awk '{print $2}')
- # CPU temperature
- CPU=$(top -bn1 | grep Cpu | awk '{print $2}')%
- #CPU=$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0 | cut -d. -f1)
- # Used and total storage in /home (rounded to 1024B)
- STOUSED=$(echo $df_output | awk '{print $3}')
- STOTOT=$(echo $df_output | awk '{print $2}')
- STOPER=$(echo $df_output | awk '{print $5}')
- printf "%s" "$SEP1"
- if [ "$IDENTIFIER" = "unicode" ]; then
- printf "💻 MEM %s/%s CPU %s STO %s/%s: %s" "$MEMUSED" "$MEMTOT" "$CPU" "$STOUSED" "$STOTOT" "$STOPER"
- else
- printf "STA | MEM %s/%s CPU %s STO %s/%s: %s" "$MEMUSED" "$MEMTOT" "$CPU" "$STOUSED" "$STOTOT" "$STOPER"
- fi
- printf "%s\n" "$SEP2"
- }
- dwm_resources