#!/bin/sh # A dwm_bar function to show the master volume of PulseAudio # Joe Standring # GNU GPLv3 # Dependencies: pamixer dwm_pulse () { VOL=$(pamixer --get-volume-human | tr -d '%') printf "%s" "$SEP1" if [ "$IDENTIFIER" = "unicode" ]; then if [ "$VOL" = "muted" ] || [ "$VOL" -eq 0 ]; then printf "🔇" elif [ "$VOL" -gt 0 ] && [ "$VOL" -le 33 ]; then printf "🔈 %s%%" "$VOL" elif [ "$VOL" -gt 33 ] && [ "$VOL" -le 66 ]; then printf "🔉 %s%%" "$VOL" else printf "🔊 %s%%" "$VOL" fi else if [ "$VOL" = "muted" ] || [ "$VOL" -eq 0 ]; then printf "MUTE" elif [ "$VOL" -gt 0 ] && [ "$VOL" -le 33 ]; then printf "VOL %s%%" "$VOL" elif [ "$VOL" -gt 33 ] && [ "$VOL" -le 66 ]; then printf "VOL %s%%" "$VOL" else printf "VOL %s%%" "$VOL" fi fi printf "%s\n" "$SEP2" } dwm_pulse