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Test for Watts
Vf 1 0 20V
RL 1 2 10
Z1 2 3 0 mymodel
RG 4 3 100
V1 4 0 PULSE(0 5V 1us 0.1u 0.1us 1ms 2ms)
.tran 0.1 10ms
.MODEL mymodel NIGBT (TAU=287.56E-9 KP=50.034 AREA=37.500E-6 + AGD=18.750E-6 VT=4.1822 KF=.36047 CGS=31.942E-9 COXD=53.188E-9 VTD=2.6570 .MODEL DMD D(IS=2.22E-15 BV=1200V CJO=1PF TT=0US))