- // This macro runs "Measure" on a all the slices in a stack. With a
- // hyperstack, it runs "Measure" in a user-selected (c,t,z) order.
- // Unchecking "Channels", "Slices" or "Frames" will select the
- // current channel, slice or frame while running "Measure".
- //
- // Ved P. Sharma, March 21, 2012
- // Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
- saveSettings;
- setOption("Stack position", true);
- if (!Stack.isHyperstack) {
- getVoxelSize(width, height, depth, unit);
- for (n=1; n<=nSlices; n++) {
- setSlice(n);
- run("Measure");
- }
- if (unit!="pixels") {
- depths = newArray(Table.size);
- for (i=0; i<Table.size; i++)
- depths[i] = i*depth;
- Table.setColumn(unit, depths);
- Table.update;
- }
- restoreSettings;
- exit;
- }
- Stack.getDimensions(w, h, channels, slices, frames);
- Stack.getPosition(ch, sl, fr);
- Dialog.create("Measure Hyperstack");
- Dialog.addCheckbox("Channels ("+channels+")", true);
- Dialog.addCheckbox("Slices ("+slices+")", true);
- Dialog.addCheckbox("Frames ("+frames+")", true);
- choices = newArray("czt(default)", "ctz", "zct", "ztc", "tcz", "tzc");
- Dialog.addChoice("Order:", choices, choices[0]);
- Dialog.show();
- state1 = Dialog.getCheckbox();
- state2 = Dialog.getCheckbox();
- state3 = Dialog.getCheckbox();
- order = Dialog.getChoice();
- if(state1) {startCh = 1; endCh = channels;}
- else {startCh = ch; endCh = ch;}
- if(state2) {startSl = 1; endSl = slices;}
- else {startSl = sl; endSl = sl;}
- if(state3) {startFr = 1; endFr = frames;}
- else {startFr = fr; endFr = fr;}
- if(order == "czt(default)") {
- for (u=startFr; u<=endFr; u++) {
- Stack.setFrame(u);
- for (v=startSl; v<=endSl; v++) {
- Stack.setSlice(v);
- for (w=startCh; w<=endCh; w++) {
- Stack.setChannel(w);
- run("Measure");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(order == "ctz") {
- for (u=startSl; u<=endSl; u++) {
- Stack.setSlice(u);
- for (v=startFr; v<=endFr; v++) {
- Stack.setFrame(v);
- for (w=startCh; w<=endCh; w++) {
- Stack.setChannel(w);
- run("Measure");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(order == "zct") {
- for (u=startFr; u<=endFr; u++) {
- Stack.setFrame(u);
- for (v=startCh; v<=endCh; v++) {
- Stack.setChannel(v);
- for (w=startSl; w<=endSl; w++) {
- Stack.setSlice(w);
- run("Measure");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(order == "ztc") {
- for (u=startCh; u<=endCh; u++) {
- Stack.setChannel(u);
- for (v=startFr; v<=endFr; v++) {
- Stack.setFrame(v);
- for (w=startSl; w<=endSl; w++) {
- Stack.setSlice(w);
- run("Measure");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(order == "tcz") {
- for (u=startSl; u<=endSl; u++) {
- Stack.setSlice(u);
- for (v=startCh; v<=endCh; v++) {
- Stack.setChannel(v);
- for (w=startFr; w<=endFr; w++) {
- Stack.setFrame(w);
- run("Measure");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(order == "tzc") {
- for (u=startCh; u<=endCh; u++) {
- Stack.setChannel(u);
- for (v=startSl; v<=endSl; v++) {
- Stack.setSlice(v);
- for (w=startFr; w<=endFr; w++) {
- Stack.setFrame(w);
- run("Measure");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Stack.setPosition(ch, sl, fr);
- restoreSettings;