- // Moves the selection left and down a specified distance in pixels.
- xy = split(getArgument());
- if (lengthOf(xy)!=2) {
- dx = 10;
- dy = 10;
- } else {
- dx = parseFloat(xy[0]);
- if (isNaN(dx)) dx = 10;
- dy = parseFloat(xy[1]);
- if (isNaN(dy)) dy = 10;
- }
- getPixelSize(unit, pixelWidth, pixelHeight);
- if (unit=="pixel") unit = "pixels";
- dxc = dx*pixelWidth;
- dyc = dy*pixelHeight;
- Dialog.create("Move");
- Dialog.addNumber("Delta_X ("+unit+"):", dxc);
- Dialog.addNumber("Delta_Y ("+unit+"):", dyc);
- Dialog.show();
- dx = Dialog.getNumber()/pixelWidth;
- dy = Dialog.getNumber()/pixelHeight;
- moveSelection(dx, dy);
- return toString(dx)+" "+toString(dy);
- function moveSelection(dx, dy) {
- getBoundingRect(x, y, width, height);
- if (selectionType==0)
- makeRectangle(x+dx, y+dy, width, height);
- else if (selectionType==1)
- makeOval(x+dx, y+dy, width, height);
- else {
- getSelectionCoordinates(xCoordinates, yCoordinates);
- for (i=0; i<xCoordinates.length; i++) {
- xCoordinates[i] += dx;
- yCoordinates[i] += dy;
- }
- makeSelection(selectionType, xCoordinates, yCoordinates);
- }
- }