- // "Search"
- // This macro searches for text in files contained in a directory.
- // TF, 2011.02 Added support for scripts; Recordable.
- str = "";
- contents = true;
- ignore = false;
- search = "Macros";
- firstLine = true;
- arg = getArgument;
- if (arg!="") {
- args = split(arg, "|");
- if (args.length==4) {
- str = args[0];
- contents = parseInt(args[1]);
- ignore = parseInt(args[2]);
- search = args[3];
- }
- }
- extensions = newArray(".java", ".txt", ".ijm", ".js", ".py", ".rb", ".clj", ".bsh", ".html");
- IJdir = getDirectory("imagej");
- Dialog.create("Search");
- Dialog.addString("_", str, 20);
- items = newArray("Macros", "Scripts", "Java", "ImageJ folder", "Choose...");
- Dialog.setInsets(2,20,0);
- Dialog.addRadioButtonGroup("Search:", items, 5, 1, search);
- Dialog.setInsets(0, 20, 0);
- Dialog.addCheckbox("Search_contents", contents);
- Dialog.addCheckbox("Ignore case", ignore);
- Dialog.setInsets(10, 0, 0);
- Dialog.addMessage("In the Log window, to open a file,\ndouble-click on its file path.");
- Dialog.show();
- str = Dialog.getString();
- contents = Dialog.getCheckbox();
- ignore = Dialog.getCheckbox();
- search = Dialog.getRadioButton();
- if (str=="")
- exit("Search string is empty");
- sourceExists = File.exists(IJdir+"source");
- searchNames = false;
- dir1=""; dir2=""; dir3="";
- if (search=="Scripts") {
- dir1 = getDirectory("macros");
- dir2 = getDirectory("plugins");
- dir3 = IJdir+"scripts/";
- extensions = newArray(".js", ".py", ".rb", ".clj", ".bsh");
- } else if (search=="Java") {
- dir1 = getDirectory("plugins");
- if (sourceExists)
- dir2 = IJdir+"source"+"/";
- extensions = newArray(".java");
- } else if (search=="ImageJ folder") {
- dir1 = getDirectory("imagej");
- searchNames = true;
- } else if (search=="Choose...") {
- dir1 = getDirectory("Choose a Directory");
- searchNames = true;
- } else {
- dir1 = getDirectory("macros");
- dir2 = getDirectory("plugins");
- extensions = newArray(".txt", ".ijm");
- }
- if (ignore)
- str = toLowerCase(str);
- count = 0;
- if (dir1!="") find(dir1);
- if (dir2!="") find(dir2);
- if (dir3!="") find(dir3);
- if (indexOf(str, "|")==-1)
- return ""+str+"|"+contents+"|"+ignore+"|"+search;
- exit;
- function find(dir) {
- list = getFileList(dir);
- for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
- showProgress(i, list.length);
- if (endsWith(list[i], "/"))
- find(""+dir+list[i]);
- else if (contents && valid(list[i])) {
- s = File.openAsString(dir+list[i]);
- s2 = s;
- if (ignore)
- s2 = toLowerCase(s);
- if (indexOf(s2,str)!=-1) {
- count++;
- if (firstLine)
- showMessageInHeader();
- print("");
- print(dir+list[i]);
- lines = split(s, "\n");
- n = 0;
- for (j=0; j<lines.length; j++) {
- line = lines[j];
- line2 = line;
- if (ignore) line2 = toLowerCase(line);
- if (indexOf(line2,str)!=-1 && n<8) {
- print((j+1)+": "+line);
- n++;
- }
- } // for
- } else
- searchName(list[i]);
- } else if (searchNames || valid(list[i]))
- searchName(list[i]);
- }
- if (count==1)
- showStatus("1 match");
- else
- showStatus(count+" matches");
- }
- function searchName(name) {
- name2 = name;
- if (ignore)
- name2 = toLowerCase(name2);
- if (indexOf(name2,str)!=-1) {
- if (firstLine)
- showMessageInHeader();
- print("");
- print(dir+name);
- count++;
- }
- }
- function valid(name) {
- for (i=0; i<extensions.length; i++) {
- if (endsWith(name, extensions[i]))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function showMessageInHeader() {
- print("\\Heading: Double-click on a file name to open it");
- firstLine = false;
- }