Essay example for the students; example focused on markdown files and pandoc application.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3 years ago
  1. \hypertarget{introduction}{%
  2. \section{Introduction}\label{introduction}}
  3. The preparation of documents always takes our minds to relate the usage
  4. of specialized software like Microsoft-Word, Word-Pad, Pages,
  5. Open-office, and so on. However, many years ago, the preparation of
  6. documents, used to be more relaxed and faster; the plain-text fashion.
  7. Plain-text documents are files with no format nor specialized
  8. information. Instead, plain documents are only text. But, why plain-text
  9. documents are so crucial for the academic area? Why these files remain
  10. useful? And how can we use them to create high-quality documents? Well,
  11. let's start by explaining some special kinds of documents based in
  12. plain-text files; the \emph{Markdown files}.
  13. \hypertarget{formats-for-academic-documents}{%
  14. \section{Formats for academic
  15. documents}\label{formats-for-academic-documents}}
  16. The Markdown format was initially developed by John Gruber in
  17. collaboration with Aaron Swartz, to simplify the writing of HTML.
  18. Instead of coding a file in HTML syntax, the content of a document is
  19. written in \textbf{plain text} and denote with \emph{simple tags the
  20. final formatting}. Subsequently, the MD (Markdown) files are parsed to
  21. generate the final HTML document. With this concept, the source file
  22. remains easily readable, and the \textbf{author can focus on the
  23. contents rather than formatting}.
  24. \hypertarget{why-md-files-are-important-in-academia}{%
  25. \subsection{Why MD files are important in
  26. academia?}\label{why-md-files-are-important-in-academia}}
  27. Despite its original focus on the web, the MD format has been proven to
  28. be great for academic writing. In particular,
  29. \href{}{pandoc-flavored MD} adds several extensions
  30. that facilitate the authoring of academic documents and their conversion
  31. into multiple output formats. The only requirement is to learn the
  32. basics of MD-syntax and install the \emph{pandoc} application to convert
  33. the files. Then, the output file can be defined by using some parameters
  34. in the input file to create a new different output document. Therefore,
  35. it is possible to create tables, bibliography citations, include
  36. figures, code sections, special symbols and characters, and the most
  37. important only using a plain-text file.
  38. \hypertarget{why-these-files-remain-useful-now}{%
  39. \subsection{Why these files remain useful
  40. now?}\label{why-these-files-remain-useful-now}}
  41. A single word can answer this question: Reproducibility. An MD file can
  42. be compiled\ldots, yes compiled; we are talking about programming,
  43. \ldots{} compiled in a different computer, if the pandoc engine is
  44. installed on it. And guess what? We can add one more word: traceability.
  45. Yes, we can follow how a file is changing its content and support old
  46. and new versions. -Hey, check my paper please, this is only a simple
  47. plain text, and you will not have problems of compatibility-, right? In
  48. most of the cases, there should no be a problem
  49. \hypertarget{how-can-we-use-them-to-create-high-quality-documents}{%
  50. \subsection{How can we use them to create high-quality
  51. documents?}\label{how-can-we-use-them-to-create-high-quality-documents}}
  52. By using pandoc there is possible to produce `.tex' files and then
  53. produce a PDF-formated document. When the TeX file is generated, the
  54. document's quality can be improved. Even more, the TeX file can be
  55. basically modified to create an entirely different document by selecting
  56. a new `document class'. Nevertheless, from my point of view, the MD
  57. files can be used for basic and short documents (proposal, drafts,
  58. guides, unformatted articles). In contrast, for more complex documents
  59. (thesis, books, formated-articles), it is better to use LaTeX.
  60. \hypertarget{whats-next}{%
  61. \section{Whats next?}\label{whats-next}}
  62. Pandoc is useful for creating basic and short documents; also is a first
  63. approach to use more powerful engines like pdflatex and xelatex. Also,
  64. the MD files are just plain text files and can be used for controlling
  65. versions. Actually, the MD file's process is commonly used by other IDE
  66. systems like r-studio to create complete environments for data science
  67. reproducibility.