A LaTeX class to write your proposal. The class is developed for the "Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia" and the course of "Seminario de Investigación 1"
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85 lines
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3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
  1. %!TeX root=../thesisStructure.tex
  2. % Portada Maestría/Doctorado:
  3. \pdfbookmark[1]{Portada}{Portada} % Bookmark name visible in a PDF viewer
  4. \begin{titlepage}
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  12. \put(380,-20){\includegraphics[width=3cm]{itm}}
  13. \end{picture}
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  25. \begingroup
  26. {\Huge
  27. \textsc{\myUni}\\\vspace{0.1in}
  28. {\Huge
  29. \calligra{``José María Morelos y Pavón''}}}
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  31. \end{center}
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  43. \parbox[b]{.75\textwidth}{ % Texto de la portada aquí:
  44. \begin{center}
  45. %-----------
  46. {\Large
  47. \scshape{\myDepartment}\\
  48. \textsc{\myFaculty} \\ \bigskip}
  49. \textsc{TESIS}\\\bigskip
  50. \begingroup
  51. % Título de la tesis:
  52. {\Large
  53. \textsc{\color{Maroon}\textsc{``\myTitle''}}\\
  54. \bigskip
  55. \bigskip
  56. %Subtítulo de la tesis:
  57. %{\color{Maroon}\texttt{\mySubtitle}}
  58. }
  59. \endgroup
  60. \bigskip
  62. \bigskip
  63. {\large\textsc{\myDegree}\\\bigskip}
  64. \textsc{PRESENTA:}\\
  65. {\large\textsc{\myName}}\\ % Your name
  66. %\textsc{\mytwoName} \\
  67. {\large
  68. \textsc{Director: \myProf}\\
  69. \textsc{Codirector: \myOtherProf}\\
  70. \textsc{Revisor: \mySupervisor}\\
  71. \textsc{Revisor: \myOtherSupervisor}\\}
  72. \bigskip
  73. \bigskip
  74. \bigskip
  75. \bigskip
  76. \bigskip
  77. \textsc{\myLocation \, -- \myTime \, -- \myThesisVersion}
  78. \end{center}}}
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  81. \end{titlepage}