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# The ITMorelia Thesis Class
# The ITMorelia Protocol Class
The present Redme file shows how to work with and compile the `Protocol-Class` in LaTeX. This class is mainly base in the `Thesis-Class`![](). If you want know what sections should be included and its content visit the **Wiki** of this repository.
# Repository structure
Below you can see the repository's contents. The repository is made of 27 files and 2 folders. The folder `Chapters` includes each `.tex` file that will be included on your portocol; later you will learn how to included. On the other hand, the folder `FrontBackMatter` folder includes `.tex` files related with common chapters/section required on protocols guides like: *Titlepage, Abstract, Colophon, Dedication, Glossary, and others*; you can include as much as you need.
In the `root` are files related with the organization and the structure of the **Protocol** (the `thesisStructure.tex` and `precontent.tex` files). Also, in `root` is included the main file that gives the special format to the document (`itmthesis.cls`), and finally the `Reference.bib` file to include a bibliography on your work.
├── Chapters
│   ├── A01.tex
│   ├── Chapter01.tex
│   ├── Chapter02.tex
│   └── Chapter0A.tex
├── configuration.tex
├── FrontBackMatter
│   ├── Abstract.tex
│   ├── Bibliography.tex
│   ├── Colophon.tex
│   ├── Contents.tex
│   ├── Declaration.tex
│   ├── Dedication.tex
│   ├── Foreword.tex
│   ├── glossary-entries.tex
│   ├── Glossary.tex
│   ├── Resumen.tex
│   ├── Titleback.tex
│   ├── TitlepageIng.tex
│   └── TitlepageMC.tex
├── itm.jpg
├── itmthesis.cls
├── precontent.tex
├── Reference.bib
├── sepLogo.jpg
├── tecnmBW.png
├── thesisStructure.pdf
└── thesisStructure.tex
# The `thesisStructure` file
The main file in the project is the `thesisStructure.tex` file. The file is mainly divided on four parts: 1)configuration, 2)Front Matter, 3) Main contents, and 4) References and 5)Back Matter.
From here the document class, for the Protocol, is defined with `\documentclass[<options>]{itmthesis}`, and this file determine the way the PDF file is generated by the options. The options defined are:
- `drafting`: The options prints the date of compilation at the end of each page. Suitable opton to know that the latest version is on review or writing process.
- `listing`: The option loads the `listings` package and configures the compilation to generates a gray scale listings outputs.
- `spanish`: The option enables the babel package to print-out the sectional units on spanish language; otherwise, english will be used.
% Engineering, master and phd degree
%PROPOSAL(PROTOCOL) format, April 2021, for the
%**Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia**
\documentclass[listings,drafting,spanish]{itmthesis} %itm thesis class
\input{configuration}% configuration and packages
\pagenumbering{roman} % Roman page numbering
\input{precontent} %Includes titlepage, dedication, Foreword, abstract, publication, acknowledgement
\include{FrontBackMatter/Contents} % Contents, list of figures/tables/listings and acronyms
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic page numbering
% Thesis Main Contents
\include{Chapters/Chapter01} %Introduction
\include{Chapters/Chapter02} %Results
% Apendix
\include{Chapters/Chapter0A} % Appendix A
% References
% Back Matter
## Chapters
## Apendix
## including images
# The `configuration` file
# Defined variables
# Titlepage
# Glossary
# References