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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\chapter{Introducción} % Chapter title
\section{Semblanza del problema}

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
% Chapter 1 % Chapter 1
\chapter{Introducción} % Chapter title
\chapter{Protocolo} % Chapter title
\section{Semblanza del problema} \section{Semblanza del problema}
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ En los artículos revisados se obtienen los parámetros que describen el comport
\section{Solución propuesta} \label{SolProp}
\section{Solución propuesta} \label{sec:SolProp}
\noindent Relacionar los parámetros por medio de un modelo \noindent Relacionar los parámetros por medio de un modelo
térmico-eléctrico, a través de sus curvas de calentamiento. Inyectando corriente de distintas magnitudes a probetas diseñadas, hechas de acero al carbono pero con porcentajes de carbono diferente. térmico-eléctrico, a través de sus curvas de calentamiento. Inyectando corriente de distintas magnitudes a probetas diseñadas, hechas de acero al carbono pero con porcentajes de carbono diferente.

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Chapters/Chapter02.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
% Chapter 2
\chapter{Marco teoríco} % Chapter title
\section{Figuras y gráficas}
Agregar la cantidad de capítulos que se requieran. En la \autoref{fig:A} se muestra la letra A.
\blindtext[1] %Texto Dummy
\caption{Ejemplo de como insertar figuras sencillas.}
\blindtext[1] %Texto Dummy
\subfigure[Figure A]{%
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\caption{Using \texttt{subfigures} package.}

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FrontBackMatter/Abstract.tex View File

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\chapter*{Abstract} % Abstract for master degree thesis
Add your abstract here ...

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FrontBackMatter/Bibliography.tex View File

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% Bibliography
\label{bibliography} % Reference the bibliography elsewhere with \autoref{bibliography}

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% Colophon: a brief description of publication or production notes relevant to the edition.
This document was typeset using the \texttt{itmthesis} class developed by Gerardo Marx Chávez-Campos. The class was designed based on the \texttt{classicthesis} class developed by Andr\'e Miede. The \texttt{itmthesis} is available for \LaTeX\ at:
\noindent Happy users of \texttt{itmthesis} usually send a real postcard, coffee mug, hoody or any kind of present to my university ``Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia'', Michoacán, México.
Este documento fue generado usando la clase \texttt{itmthesis} desarrollada por Gerardo Marx Chávez-Campos. La clase fue diseñada basada en la clase \texttt{classicthesis} desarrollada por Andr\'e Miede. La clase \texttt{itmthesis} está disponible para \LaTeX\ en:
\noindent Si eres un usuario agradecido con este diseño puedes mandar una postal, taza de café, sudadera de tu universidad o cualquier tipo de presente en forma de agradecimiento a la universidad de origen de tu servidor: ``Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia'', Michoacán, México.

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FrontBackMatter/Declaration.tex View File

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% Declaration
\pdfbookmark[0]{Declaration}{Declaration} % Bookmark name visible in a PDF viewer
\chapter*{Declaración} % Declaration section text
Yo, \textbf{\myName}, con número de control \textbf{\myNumber} declaro que el trabajo titulado: \emph{\myTitle, \mySubtitle}, es resultado de mi trabajo e investigación original. No se ha realizado una copia de otro trabajo o fuente excepto los respectivamente citados de forma explícita en el texto.
\noindent\textit{\myLocation, \myTime}
\\ \hline
\centering\myName, \today \\

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FrontBackMatter/Dedication.tex View File

@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ Y tu familia nunca te abandona ni te olvida.\\ \medskip
\medskip \medskip
\begin{center} \begin{center}
-- Dedicado en memoria de Georg Simon Ohm -- \\ \smallskip
-- Dedicado en memoria de George Simon Ohm -- \\ \smallskip
1789\,--\,1854 1789\,--\,1854
\end{center} \end{center}

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FrontBackMatter/Resumen.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\chapter*{Resumen} % Abstract for master degree thesis
Agregar resumen aquí ...

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FrontBackMatter/TitlepageMC.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
% Portada Ingeniería:
\pdfbookmark[1]{Portada}{Portada} % Bookmark name visible in a PDF viewer
\calligra{``José María Morelos y Pavón''}}}
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\begingroup % Create the command for including the title page in the document
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\parbox[b]{.75\textwidth}{ % Texto de la portada aquí:
\textsc{\myFaculty} \\ \bigskip}
% Título de la tesis:
%Subtítulo de la tesis:
{\large\textsc{\myName}}\\ % Your name
%\textsc{\mytwoName} \\
\textsc{Director: \myProf}\\
\textsc{Codirector: \myOtherProf}\\
\textsc{Revisor: \mySupervisor}\\
\textsc{Revisor: \myOtherSupervisor}\\}
\textsc{\myLocation \, -- \myTime \, -- \myThesisVersion}

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Reference.bib View File

@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
title = {Titanium alloys and processing for high speed aircraft},
journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A},
volume = {243},
number = {1},
pages = {299 - 304},
year = {1998},
issn = {0921-5093},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {William D Brewer and R.Keith Bird and Terryl A Wallace},
keywords = {Ti alloys, Processing techniques, Research}
title={Light weight materials for automotive applications},
author={Cole, GS and Sherman, AM},
journal={Materials characterization},
title = "Policy trends for the sustainability assessment of construction materials: A review",
journal = "Sustainable Cities and Society",
volume = "35",
pages = "280 - 288",
year = "2017",
issn = "2210-6707",
doi = "",
url = "",
author = "Angeliki Kylili and Paris A. Fokaides",
keywords = "Environmental policy, Construction material, Sustainable building, LCA"
title={Tratamientos t{\'e}rmicos de los metales},
author={Molera Sol{\'a}, Pere},
author= {Perez Patiño, Juan Antonio},
title={Tratamientos t{\'e}rmicos de los aceros},
school= {Universidad Aut{\'o}noma de Nuevo Le{\'o}n},
title={Practical heat treating},
author={Dossett, Jon L and Boyer, Howard E},
publisher={Asm International}
author = {Glotic, A},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/MATILDE/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Glotic - 2000 - Identification of Thermal Parameters for Transformer FEM model by Differential Evolution Optimization algorithm.pdf:pdf},
keywords = {divided into four main,engineering models proposed for,groups,optimization method,parameter estimation,power,temperature,transformer analysis are,transformers},
mendeley-groups = {Par{\'{a}}metros del sistema},
title = {{Identification of Thermal Parameters for Transformer FEM model by Differential Evolution Optimization algorithm}},
year = {2000}
author = {Feng, Kai and Ying, Zhanfeng and Tong, Xuan},
doi = {10.1109/PESGM.2015.7285614},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/MATILDE/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Feng, Ying, Tong - 2015 - Radial thermal circuit model for overhead conductors based on parameter identification under natural convectio.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {9781467380409},
issn = {19449933},
journal = {IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting},
keywords = {Overhead conductors,Parameter identification,Radial temperature distribution,Thermal circuit model},
mendeley-groups = {Par{\'{a}}metros del sistema},
pages = {0--4},
title = {{Radial thermal circuit model for overhead conductors based on parameter identification under natural convection condition}},
volume = {2015-Septe},
year = {2015}
author = {Paz, Serafin Ramos},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/MATILDE/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Paz - Unknown - Application of the Kalman-Bucy Filter for system identification and optimal tracking trajectory for a DC Motor(2).pdf:pdf},
mendeley-groups = {Par{\'{a}}metros del sistema},
number = {6},
pages = {1--5},
title = {{Application of the Kalman-Bucy Filter for system identification and optimal tracking trajectory for a DC Motor}}
author = {Holman, Jack Philip and de Morent{\'{i}}n, Pablo de Assas Mart{\'{i}}nez and Mena, Teresa de Jes{\'{u}}s Leo and Grande, Isabel P{\'{e}}rez and de Mara{\~{n}}{\`{o}}n, Pedro P{\'{e}}rez del Notario Mart{\'{i}}nez and S{\`{a}}nchez, Antonio S{\`{a}}nchez},
publisher = {Compa{\~{n}}{\'{i}}a Editorial Continental},
title = {{Transferencia de calor}},
year = {1980}
author = {Mendes, Nathan and Oliveira, Ghc and Ara{\'{u}}jo, Hx De},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Mendes, Oliveira, Ara{\'{u}}jo/Mendes, Oliveira, Ara{\'{u}}jo - 2001 - Building thermal performance analysis by using matlabsimulink.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Seventh Int. IBPSA {\ldots}},
mendeley-groups = {Marx},
pages = {473--480},
title = {{Building thermal performance analysis by using matlab/simulink}},
url = {},
year = {2001}
abstract = {Energy consumption reduction efforts in the residential buildings sector represent socio-economical, technological and environmental preoccupations which justify advanced scientific research. These lead to use inverse models to describe thermal behavior and to evaluate the energy consumption of buildings. Their principal goal is to provide supporting evidence of enhanced energy performances and predictions. More specifically, research questions are related to building thermal modeling which is the most appropriate in a smart grid context. In this context, the models are reviewed according to three categories. The first category is based on physical and basic principle modeling (white-box). The second offers a much simpler structure which is the statistical models (black-box). The black-box is used for prediction of energy consumption and heating/cooling demands. Finally, the third category is a hybrid method (grey-box), which uses both physical and statistical modeling techniques. In this paper, we propose a detailed review and simulation of the main thermal building models. Our comparison and simulation results demonstrate that the grey-box is the most effective model for management of buildings energy consumption.},
author = {Amara, Fatima and Agbossou, Kodjo and Cardenas, Alben and Dub{\'{e}}, Yves and Kelouwani, Sousso},
doi = {10.4236/sgre.2015.64009},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Amara et al/Amara et al. - 2015 - Comparison and Simulation of Building Thermal Models for Effective Energy Management.pdf:pdf},
issn = {2151-481X},
journal = {Smart Grid Renew. Energy},
keywords = {Building Control, Inverse Modeling, Building Predi},
mendeley-groups = {Marx},
number = {04},
pages = {95--112},
title = {{Comparison and Simulation of Building Thermal Models for Effective Energy Management}},
url = {},
volume = {06},
year = {2015}
abstract = {Electro-thermal simulation of power electronic semiconductors is now required in accurate optimisation of power electronic circuits and systems. This requires accurate, but not too complex, electro-thermal models of power semiconductors to be used in commercially available power electronic circuit simulators. Realization of one such electro-thermal model for power MOSFET in IsSpice is described in the paper. Model consists of electrical and thermal part with interactive exchange of variables. Electro-thermal model was tested on real circuit example.},
author = {Jakopovi{\'{c}}, {\v{Z}}eljko and {\v{S}}unde, Viktor and Ben{\v{c}}i{\'{c}}, Zvonko},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Jakopovi{\'{c}}, {\v{S}}unde, Ben{\v{c}}i{\'{c}}/Jakopovi{\'{c}}, {\v{S}}unde, Ben{\v{c}}i{\'{c}} - 2001 - Electro-Thermal Modelling and Simulation of a Power-MOSFET.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0005-1144},
journal = {Autom. J. Control. Meas. Electron. Comput. Commun.},
keywords = {electro-thermal simulation,modelling,power MOSFET},
mendeley-groups = {Marx},
number = {1--2},
pages = {71----77},
title = {{Electro-Thermal Modelling and Simulation of a Power-MOSFET}},
volume = {42},
year = {2001}
abstract = {Electrical circuit analogy is an effective method for the performance analysis of various heat transfer processes, whereas there is no equivalent thermal circuit for heat exchanger networks (HENs). In view of this limitation, and based on the concept of entransy-dissipation-based thermal resistance (EDTR), we introduce an equivalent thermal circuit to represent the heat transfer process in a heat exchanger, and then analyze the temperature variations of all the working fluids in each heat exchanger to establish the equivalent thermal circuits for such three basic layouts of HENs as multiple-loop, series, and parallel. The combination of these equivalent thermal circuits gives the overall equivalent thermal circuit for any HEN consisting of the three basic layouts. Accordingly, the inherent relationships, i.e., the constraint equations, of all the parameters in a HEN are built by circuitous philosophy. Based on these constraint equations together with the Lagrange multiplier method, we propose a mathematical method for the optimization of heat transfer performance in HENs. Finally, as an example, the heat transfer processes in a district heating system is analyzed and optimized by the newly proposed equivalent thermal circuit and the corresponding optimization method to show the applications.},
author = {Chen, Qun and Fu, Rong-Huan and Xu, Yun-Chao},
doi = {10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.11.021},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Chen, Fu, Xu/Chen, Fu, Xu - 2015 - Electrical circuit analogy for heat transfer analysis and optimization in heat exchanger networks.pdf:pdf},
issn = {03062619},
journal = {Appl. Energy},
keywords = {heat exchanger network},
mendeley-groups = {Marx},
pages = {81--92},
publisher = {Elsevier Ltd},
title = {{Electrical circuit analogy for heat transfer analysis and optimization in heat exchanger networks}},
url = {},
volume = {139},
year = {2015}
abstract = {In order to reduce heat energy demand in residential building, thermal insulation and indoor air tightness become more important. However, in a well-insulated environment, internal heat gain caused by solar radiation, metabolism and losses of home electric appliance (i.e. refrigerator, lamp, television, etc.) can be dominant to home global energy management. To quantify and to modelize the heat gain due to home appliances, we begin experimental measurements in a well-insulated room. The first step in this work is the identification of the room. In this paper we suggest a 1R1C lumped parameter circuit which presents a building thermal model using thermal-electric analogy. Then, we identify the circuit components (the global thermal resistor and the global thermal capacitor) from the heat balance equation and experimental results. Based on the model and the obtained parameters, we simulate the indoor temperature of the model using Matlab/Simulink. To check its accuracy we compare the measured data and simulation results and calculate their error ratio.},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
arxivId = {arXiv:cond-mat/0402594v3},
author = {Park, Herie and Ruellan, Marie and Bouvet, Adrien and Monmasson, Eric and Bennacer, Rachid},
doi = {10.1109/EPQU.2011.6128822},
eprint = {0402594v3},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Park et al/Park et al. - 2011 - Thermal parameter identification of simplified building model with electric appliance.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {9781467303798},
issn = {21506647},
journal = {Proceeding Int. Conf. Electr. Power Qual. Util. EPQU},
keywords = {building thermal model,electric appliance,indoor temperature,power utilization,thermal parameters},
mendeley-groups = {Marx},
pages = {499--504},
pmid = {21489910},
primaryClass = {arXiv:cond-mat},
title = {{Thermal parameter identification of simplified building model with electric appliance}},
year = {2011}
author = {Park, Herie},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Park/Park - 2014 - Dynamic Thermal Modeling of Electrical Appliances for Energy Management of Low Energy Buildings Dynamic Thermal Modeling o.pdf:pdf},
mendeley-groups = {Marx},
title = {{Dynamic Thermal Modeling of Electrical Appliances for Energy Management of Low Energy Buildings Dynamic Thermal Modeling of Electrical Appliances for Energy Management of Low Energy Buildings}},
year = {2014}
abstract = {{\textcopyright} 2014 IEEE. Modeling and identification of thermal systems is a problem frequently treated in theoretical and application domains. Most of these systems have been modeled using black-box structures whose parameters are identified using temperature measurements. Although black-box models have achieved good results in terms of temperature evolution, they cannot model variables which had not been measured in the identification test. In this article we present a new method to build grey-box thermal models based on electrical equivalent circuits which not only give information about temperatures evolution, but also about heat fluxes and thermal energy stored in the system. The partially unknown parameters of the models are identified using temperature measurements and applying nonlinear optimization techniques. The obtained state space representation can be used to develop a deterministic state space temperature controller that provides better accuracy than classical PID controllers. Our proposal is complemented with various examples of a real application in an electric oven.},
author = {Ramirez-Laboreo, E. and Sagues, C. and Llorente, S.},
doi = {10.1109/MED.2014.6961423},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Ramirez-Laboreo, Sagues, Llorente/Ramirez-Laboreo, Sagues, Llorente - 2014 - Thermal modeling, analysis and control using an electrical analogy.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {9781479959006},
journal = {2014 22nd Mediterr. Conf. Control Autom. MED 2014},
mendeley-groups = {Marx},
number = {November 2014},
pages = {505--510},
title = {{Thermal modeling, analysis and control using an electrical analogy}},
year = {2014}
abstract = {Constructing a model of thermal dynamics of a multi-zone building requires modeling heat conduction through walls as well as convection due to air-flows among the zones. Reduced order models of conduction in terms of RC-networks are well established, while currently the only way to model convection is through CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). This limits convection models to a single zone or a small number of zones in a building. In this paper we present a novel method of identifying a reduced order thermal model of a multi-zone building from measured space temperature data. The method consists of first identifying the underlying network structure, in particular, the paths of convective interaction among zones, which corresponds to edges of a building graph. Convective interaction among a pair of zones is modeled as a RC network, in a manner analogous to conduction models. The second step of the proposed method involves estimating the parameters of the RC network model for the convection edges. The identified convection edges, along with the associated R and C values, are used to augment a thermal dynamics model of a building that is originally constructed to model only conduction. Predictions by the augmented model and the conduction-only model are compared with space temperatures measured in a multi-zone building in the University of Florida campus. The identified model is seen to predict the temperatures more accurately than a conduction-only model.},
author = {Goyal, Siddharth and Liao, Chenda and Barooah, Prabir},
doi = {10.1109/CDC.2011.6161387},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Goyal, Liao, Barooah/Goyal, Liao, Barooah - 2011 - Identification of multi-zone building thermal interaction model from data.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {9781612848006},
issn = {01912216},
journal = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control},
mendeley-groups = {Marx},
pages = {181--186},
title = {{Identification of multi-zone building thermal interaction model from data}},
year = {2011}
author = {Preissler, Sigmundo and Goncalves, Alexandre Leopoldo and Fernandes, William Reis},
doi = {10.1109/IE.2016.36},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Preissler, Goncalves, Fernandes/Preissler, Goncalves, Fernandes - 2016 - A Framework for Multi-zone Building Thermal-Electrical Representation.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {978-1-5090-4056-8},
journal = {2016 12th Int. Conf. Intell. Environ.},
mendeley-groups = {Par{\'{a}}metros del sistema},
pages = {167--170},
title = {{A Framework for Multi-zone Building Thermal-Electrical Representation}},
url = {},
year = {2016}
author = {Jr, Sigmundo Preissler},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Jr/Jr - 2016 - A Framework for Thermal Parameter Identification in a Smart Buildings Context.pdf:pdf},
isbn = {9781509018468},
mendeley-groups = {Par{\'{a}}metros del sistema},
pages = {8--11},
title = {{A Framework for Thermal Parameter Identification in a Smart Buildings Context}},
year = {2016}
author = {Jr, Sigmundo Preissler},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Jr/Jr - Unknown - A Framework for Thermal Building Parameter Identification and Simulation.pdf:pdf},
mendeley-groups = {Par{\'{a}}metros del sistema},
number = {c},
title = {{A Framework for Thermal Building Parameter Identification and Simulation}}
abstract = {Liquid crystal thermography combined with transient conduction analysis is often used to deduce local values of convective heat transfer coefficients. Neural networks based on the backpropagation algorithm have been successfully applied to predict heat transfer coefficients from a given set of experimentally obtained conditions. Performance characteristics studied on numerous network configurations relevant to this application indicate that a 3-6-3-1 arrangement yields the least errors with convergence improving directly with both the global learning rates and those of individual layers. Copyright ?? 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.},
author = {Jambunathan, K. and Hartle, S. L. and Ashforth-Frost, S. and Fontama, V. N.},
doi = {10.1016/0017-9310(95)00332-0},
file = {:Users/Marx/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Jambunathan et al/Jambunathan et al. - 1996 - Evaluating convective heat transfer coefficients using neural networks.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00179310},
journal = {Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.},
mendeley-groups = {Par{\'{a}}metros del sistema},
number = {11},
pages = {2329--2332},
title = {{Evaluating convective heat transfer coefficients using neural networks}},
volume = {39},
year = {1996}
title = {A comprehensive review on applications of ohmic heating (OH)},
journal = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
volume = {39},
pages = {262 - 269},
year = {2014},
issn = {1364-0321},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Mohamed Sakr and Shuli Liu},
keywords = {Ohmic heating, Heat generation, Distillation, Heat transfer, Electric conductivity}
title={Ohmic heating in dairy processing: Relevant aspects for safety and quality},
author={Cappato, LP and Ferreira, MVS and Guimaraes, JT and Portela, JB and Costa, ALR and Freitas, MQ and Cunha, RL and Oliveira, CAF and Mercali, GD and Marzack, LDF and others},
journal={Trends in Food Science \& Technology},
title={Ohmic heating--a review},
author={Knirsch, Marcos Camargo and Dos Santos, Carolina Alves and de Oliveira Soares, Ant{\'o}nio Augusto Martins and Penna, Thereza Christina Vessoni and others},
journal={Trends in Food Science \& Technology},
title = {Evaluation of key parameters during construction and operation of an ohmic heating apparatus},
journal = {Innovative Food Science \& Emerging Technologies},
volume = {18},
pages = {145 - 154},
year = {2013},
issn = {1466-8564},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Júlia Ribeiro Sarkis and Giovana Domeneghini Mercali and Isabel Cristina Tessaro and Ligia Damasceno Ferreira Marczak},
keywords = {Ohmic heating, Design, Electrical conductivity, Temperature profile}
title={Temperature and carbon content dependence of electrical resistivity of carbon steel},
author={Yafei, Sun and Dongjie, Niu and Jing, Sun},
booktitle={Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2009. ICIEA 2009. 4th IEEE Conference on},
title={Ciencia e ingenier{\'\i}a de materiales},
author={Askeland, Donald R and Fulay, Pradeep P and Wright, Wendelin J},
publisher={Cengage learning}
title={Curve fitting made easy.},
author={Ledvij, Marko},
journal={Industrial Physicist},
author={Hummel, Rolf E},
title={Electronic Properties of Materials},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
arxivId = {arXiv:1011.1669v3},
author = {Hummel, Rolf E.},
booktitle = {Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling},
doi = {10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004},
eprint = {arXiv:1011.1669v3},
isbn = {9788578110796},
issn = {1098-6596},
keywords = {icle},
pages = {489},
pmid = {25246403},
title = {{Electronic properties of materials / Rolf E. Hummel}},
volume = {53},
year = {2012}
title={Foundations of electroheat. A unified approach},
author={Metaxas, AC},
booktitle={Fuel and Energy Abstracts},

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configuration.tex View File

@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
% 2 Commands and variables % 2 Commands and variables
% 2.1 Thesis's title page config % 2.1 Thesis's title page config
%------------------ %------------------
\newcommand{\myTitle}{El Título de la Tesis no Muy Complicado y Largo Pero Capaz de Definir Concretamente}
\newcommand{\mySubtitle}{Caso de Estudio a Nivel Ingeniería}
\newcommand{\myDegree}{Ingeniera en electrónica}
\newcommand{\myTitle}{Un Título de la Tesis no Muy Complicado y Largo Pero Capaz de Definir Concretamente}
\newcommand{\mySubtitle}{Caso de Estudio a Nivel Maestría}
\newcommand{\myDegree}{Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Electrónica}
% 2.2 Autores: % 2.2 Autores:
\newcommand{\myName}{Gerardo Marx Chávez-Campos} \newcommand{\myName}{Gerardo Marx Chávez-Campos}
\newcommand{\myNumber}{D01120294} \newcommand{\myNumber}{D01120294}
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
\newcommand{\myOtherSupervisor}{Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier\xspace} \newcommand{\myOtherSupervisor}{Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier\xspace}
%-------------- %--------------
% 2.4 Datos del instituto: % 2.4 Datos del instituto:
\newcommand{\myFaculty}{Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica}
\newcommand{\myDepartment}{División de Estudios Profesionales}
\newcommand{\myFaculty}{Maestría en Ingeniería Electrónica}
\newcommand{\myDepartment}{División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación}
\newcommand{\myUni}{Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia} \newcommand{\myUni}{Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia}
\newcommand{\myLocation}{Morelia, Michoacán, México} \newcommand{\myLocation}{Morelia, Michoacán, México}
\newcommand{\myTime}{Julio 2018}
\newcommand{\myTime}{Septiembre 2018}
\newcommand{\myThesisVersion}{Rev 1.0} \newcommand{\myThesisVersion}{Rev 1.0}
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precontent.tex View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
% Thesis's precontents % Thesis's precontents
%-------------------------- %--------------------------
%Titlepage: %Titlepage:
\include{FrontBackMatter/TitlepageIng} %ing
%\include{FrontBackMatter/TitlepageIng} %ing
\include{FrontBackMatter/TitlepageMC} %MC
%Back of the title page: %Back of the title page:
\include{FrontBackMatter/Titleback} \include{FrontBackMatter/Titleback}
%Dedication %Dedication
@ -14,3 +15,7 @@
%Abstract %Abstract
\cleardoublepage \cleardoublepage
\include{FrontBackMatter/Abstract} \include{FrontBackMatter/Abstract}

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thesisStructure.tex View File

@ -1,13 +1,28 @@
% Engineering, master and phd degree thesis format, august 2018, for the "Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia" % Engineering, master and phd degree thesis format, august 2018, for the "Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia"
\documentclass[listings,drafting,spanish]{itmthesis} %itm thesis class definition \documentclass[listings,drafting,spanish]{itmthesis} %itm thesis class definition
\input{configuration}% config & packages that you requiere:
\input{configuration}% configuration & packages required
\begin{document} \begin{document}
\pagenumbering{roman} % Roman page numbering \pagenumbering{roman} % Roman page numbering
\input{precontent} %Includes titlepage, dedication, Foreword, abstract, publication, acknowledgement \input{precontent} %Includes titlepage, dedication, Foreword, abstract, publication, acknowledgement
\include{FrontBackMatter/Contents} % Contents, list of figures/tables/listings and acronyms \include{FrontBackMatter/Contents} % Contents, list of figures/tables/listings and acronyms
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic page numbering \pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic page numbering
% Thesis Main Contents
\include{Chapters/Chapter01} % Chapter 1 \include{Chapters/Chapter01} % Chapter 1
\include{Chapters/Chapter02} % Chapter 2
% Apendix
% References
% Back Matter