the TeX-master variabel says to auctex where to find the main file that includes the documentclass and packages. On the other hand, the reftex-default-bibliogrpahy indicates where to find the bibliography file.
This issue was solved by using the local variables in each individual included file.
This means that any included file in the protocol should include the next code at **the end of the file**:
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../thesisStructure"
%%% reftex-default-bibliography: ("../Reference")
%%% End:
the `TeX-master` variabel says to auctex where to find the main file that includes the documentclass and packages. On the other hand, the `reftex-default-bibliogrpahy` indicates where to find the bibliography file.
changed title from reftex from auctex does not detect the bibliography to reftex does not detect the bibliography in emacs and auctex3 years ago
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This issue was solved by using the local variables in each individual included file.
This means that any included file in the protocol should include the next code at the end of the file:
variabel says to auctex where to find the main file that includes the documentclass and packages. On the other hand, thereftex-default-bibliogrpahy
indicates where to find the bibliography file.reftex from auctex does not detect the bibliographyto reftex does not detect the bibliography in emacs and auctex 3 years ago