# The ITMorelia Protocol Class The present Redme file shows how to work with and compile the `Protocol-Class` in LaTeX. This class is mainly base in the `Thesis-Class`![](). If you want know what sections should be included and its content visit the **Wiki** of this repository. # Repository structure Below you can see the repository's contents. The repository is made of 27 files and 2 folders. The folder `Chapters` includes each `.tex` file that will be included on your portocol; later you will learn how to included. On the other hand, the folder `FrontBackMatter` folder includes `.tex` files related with common chapters/section required on protocols guides like: *Titlepage, Abstract, Colophon, Dedication, Glossary, and others*; you can include as much as you need. ```bash . ├── Chapters │   ├── A01.tex │   ├── Chapter01.tex │   ├── Chapter02.tex │   └── Chapter0A.tex ├── configuration.tex ├── FrontBackMatter │   ├── Abstract.tex │   ├── Bibliography.tex │   ├── Colophon.tex │   ├── Contents.tex │   ├── Declaration.tex │   ├── Dedication.tex │   ├── Foreword.tex │   ├── glossary-entries.tex │   ├── Glossary.tex │   ├── Resumen.tex │   ├── Titleback.tex │   ├── TitlepageIng.tex │   └── TitlepageMC.tex ├── itm.jpg ├── itmthesis.cls ├── precontent.tex ├── README.md ├── Reference.bib ├── sepLogo.jpg ├── tecnmBW.png ├── thesisStructure.pdf └── thesisStructure.tex ```