% Engineering, master and phd degree
%PROPOSAL(PROTOCOL) format, April 2021, for the
%**Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia**
% 1)Configuration:
\documentclass[listings,drafting,spanish]{itmthesis} %itm thesis class
\input{configuration}% configuration and packages
% -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
% 2)Front Matter:
\pagenumbering{roman} % Roman page numbering
\input{precontent} %Includes titlepage, dedication, Foreword, abstract, publication, acknowledgement
\include{FrontBackMatter/Contents} % Contents, list of figures/tables/listings and acronyms
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic page numbering
% 3) Thesis Main Contents
\include{Chapters/Chapter01} %Introduction
\include{Chapters/Chapter02} %Results
% Apendix
\include{Chapters/Chapter0A} % Appendix A
% 4) References
% 5) Back Matter
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: