A LaTeX class to write your proposal. The class is developed for the "Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia" and the course of "Seminario de Investigación 1"
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The ITMorelia Protocol Class

The present Redme file shows how to work with and compile the Protocol-Class in LaTeX. This class is mainly base in the Thesis-Class. If you want know what sections should be included and its content visit the Wiki of this repository.

Repository structure

Below you can see the repository's contents. The repository is made of 27 files and 2 folders. The folder Chapters includes each .tex file that will be included on your portocol; later you will learn how to included. On the other hand, the folder FrontBackMatter folder includes .tex files related with common chapters/section required on protocols guides like: Titlepage, Abstract, Colophon, Dedication, Glossary, and others; you can include as much as you need.

In the root are files related with the organization and the structure of the Protocol (the thesisStructure.tex and precontent.tex files). Also, in root is included the main file that gives the special format to the document (itmthesis.cls), and finally the Reference.bib file to include a bibliography on your work.

├── Chapters
│   ├── A01.tex
│   ├── Chapter01.tex
│   ├── Chapter02.tex
│   └── Chapter0A.tex
├── configuration.tex
├── FrontBackMatter
│   ├── Abstract.tex
│   ├── Bibliography.tex
│   ├── Colophon.tex
│   ├── Contents.tex
│   ├── Declaration.tex
│   ├── Dedication.tex
│   ├── Foreword.tex
│   ├── glossary-entries.tex
│   ├── Glossary.tex
│   ├── Resumen.tex
│   ├── Titleback.tex
│   ├── TitlepageIng.tex
│   └── TitlepageMC.tex
├── itm.jpg
├── itmthesis.cls
├── precontent.tex
├── README.md
├── Reference.bib
├── sepLogo.jpg
├── tecnmBW.png
├── thesisStructure.pdf
└── thesisStructure.tex

The thesisStructure file

The main file in the project is the thesisStructure.tex file. The file is mainly divided on four parts: 1)configuration, 2)Front Matter, 3) Main contents, and 4) References and 5)Back Matter.

From here the document class, for the Protocol, is defined with \documentclass[<options>]{itmthesis}, and this file determine the way the PDF file is generated by the options. The options defined are:

  • drafting: The options prints the date of compilation at the end of each page. Suitable opton to know that the latest version is on review or writing process.
  • listing: The option loads the listings package and configures the compilation to generates a gray scale listings outputs.
  • spanish: The option enables the babel package to print-out the sectional units on spanish language; otherwise, english will be used.
% Engineering, master and phd degree 
%PROPOSAL(PROTOCOL) format, April 2021, for the 
%**Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia**
\documentclass[listings,drafting,spanish]{itmthesis} %itm thesis class
\input{configuration}% configuration and packages
\pagenumbering{roman} % Roman page numbering 
\input{precontent} %Includes titlepage, dedication, Foreword, abstract, publication, acknowledgement
\include{FrontBackMatter/Contents} % Contents, list of figures/tables/listings and acronyms
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic page numbering
% Thesis Main Contents
\include{Chapters/Chapter01} %Introduction
\include{Chapters/Chapter02} %Results
% Apendix


\include{Chapters/Chapter0A} % Appendix A

% References
% Back Matter



including images

The configuration file

Defined variables


