- %************************************
- %1 Identification:
- \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
- \ProvidesClass{itmthesis}[2018/05/04 ITMorelia Thesis Class by Gerardo Marx]
- %************************************
- %2 Preliminary declarations
- %2.1 The basic class:
- \LoadClass{report}
- %2.2 Packages:
- \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}
- \RequirePackage[colorlinks=true]{hyperref}
- \RequirePackage{blindtext}
- \RequirePackage{scrextend}
- \RequirePackage{booktabs}
- \RequirePackage{calligra}
- %2.2.1 Booleans
- \RequirePackage{ifthen}
- \newboolean{@drafting} % print version information on pages
- \newboolean{@spanish} % activates the spanish version at babel otherwise english
- \newboolean{@listings} % loads the listings package
- %2.2.2 Colors
- \PassOptionsToPackage{dvipsnames}{xcolor}
- \RequirePackage{xcolor}
- \definecolor{c1}{rgb}{0,0,1} % blue
- \definecolor{grisTec}{RGB}{125,125,125}
- \hypersetup{
- linkcolor={c1}, % internal links
- citecolor={c1}, % citations
- urlcolor={c1} % external links/urls
- }
- %2.2.2 This package is essentially a replacement—partial or total—for the LATEX macros related with sections—namely titles, headers and contents.
- \RequirePackage{titlesec}%
- \RequirePackage{xargs} % needed for extended newcommand and others
- \RequirePackage{array} % needed for extended options for array
- \RequirePackage{amsmath}
- \RequirePackage{graphicx}
- %2.3 Page settings:
- \RequirePackage[left=3cm,right=3cm,top=3cm,bottom=3cm]{geometry}
- %2.4 Macros and Commands:
- %Commands
- \newcommand{\myVersion}{version 1.0\xspace}
- %2.4.1 Derivatives
- \newcommandx{\pd}[3][1=]{%
- \frac{\partial^{#1} #2}{\partial #3^{#1}}
- }
- %2.4.1 Dbf
- \renewcommand{\d}{{\rm d}}
- %2.5 Environments:
- %2.5.1 Arrays of equations:
- %************************************
- %3 Options:
- % 3.1 DeclareOptions
- % Option sintax
- % \DeclareOption{⟨option⟩}{⟨code⟩}
- %Code option:
- \DeclareOption{drafting}{
- %Code
- \setboolean{@drafting}{true}
- }
- \DeclareOption{spanish}{
- %Code
- \setboolean{@spanish}{true}
- \typeout{spanish to babel}
- }%end code option
- \DeclareOption{listings}{
- \setboolean{@listings}{true}
- \typeout{listings option activated}
- }
- \ProcessOptions\relax
- % 3.2 PassOptionsToPackage
- %if sintax: \ifthenelse{⟨test⟩}{⟨then clause⟩}{⟨else clause⟩}
- % 3.2.1 drafting
- %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- \RequirePackage{scrtime} %time access
- %Sintax: \newcommand{name}[num]{definition}
- \newcommand{\finalVersionString}{Revised}%Final version text
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{@drafting}}{%
- % Then clause
- % \RequirePackage{draftwatermark}%
- % \SetWatermarkLightness{0.9}
- % \SetWatermarkScale{.5}
- % \SetWatermarkText{\today\ at \thistime}
- \RequirePackage{prelim2e}
- \PassOptionsToPackage{draft}{prelim2e}
- \renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{\relax}
- \renewcommand{\PrelimText}{\footnotesize[\,\today\ at \thistime\ -- \texttt{itmorelia} \myVersion\,]}
- }
- %else clause
- {\renewcommand{\finalVersionString}{\emph{Final Version} as of \today\ (\texttt{itmorelia} \myVersion).}}
- %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- % 3.2.2 babel
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{@spanish}}%test
- { %then clause
- \@ifpackageloaded{babel}
- {\relax}{\RequirePackage[es-tabla,spanish,es-nodecimaldot]{babel}}%
- }
- {\relax}% else clause
- %3.2.3 Listing related stuff
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{@listings}}%
- {%then clause
- \@ifpackageloaded{listings}%
- {\relax}{\RequirePackage{listings}}%
- }
- %else clause
- {\relax}%
- %************************************
- % 4 Declarations:
- %-------------------------------------
- %4.0 chapter
- %\renewcommand{\thechapter}{\Roman{chapter}} %Roman enumeration
- \titleformat{\chapter}[display]%shape
- {\Huge\filleft\sc}%Format applied to the title
- {\filleft\sc{\chaptertitlename} \thechapter}%Label text and format
- {4ex}%Separation between Label and Title
- {}%Before code
- [\vspace{2ex}
- \color{gray}\titlerule]%After code
- %
- %4.1 section
- %\titleformat{\section}%shape
- % {\large \scshape}%Format applied to the title
- % {\large\scshape \thesection}%Label text and format
- % {2ex}%Separation between Label and Title
- % {}%Before code
- % []%After code
- \titleformat{\section}
- {\normalfont\Large\bfseries}{\thesection}{1em}{}
- %4.2 subsection
- \titleformat{\subsection}
- {\normalfont\large\bfseries}{\thesubsection}{1em}{}
- %4.3 subsubsection
- \titleformat{\subsubsection}
- {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\thesubsubsection}{1em}{}
- %4.4 Paragraph
- \titleformat{\paragraph}[runin]
- {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\theparagraph}{1em}{}
- %4.5 subparagraph
- \titleformat{\subparagraph}[runin]
- {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}{\thesubparagraph}{1em}{}
- %4.2 subsection
- \titleformat{\subsection}
- {\normalfont\Large\bfseries}{\thesubsection}{1em}{}
- %4.x Spacing
- \titlespacing*{\chapter} {0pt}{50pt}{40pt}
- \titlespacing*{\section} {0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{2.3ex plus .2ex}
- \titlespacing*{\subsection}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
- \titlespacing*{\subsubsection}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
- \titlespacing*{\paragraph}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1em}
- \titlespacing*{\subparagraph}{\parindent}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1em}