- # Readme
- This is the version `0.1` of scientific-emacs. This respositry contains the `Dockerfiles` to build the images for `Redis` and `Emacs`.
- # Installation
- To install the container first refer to the [Docker Installation Guide](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/). After test the **hello worlf of Docker system**, clone this repository within your
- *working directory* using:
- ```
- $ git clone http://gmarx.jumpingcrab.com:8088/mice-rs101/latex-basic.git
- ```
- Then, it is possible to build the *scientifc-emacs* container by:
- ```
- $ docker build -t scientific-emacs:0.1 docker/emacs/
- ```
- To get the ip address
- '''
- open -a xquartz
- ip=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}')
- xhost + $ip
- '''
- To run the container
- '''
- docker run --rm -it -v`pwd`/emacs-config:/root \
- -e DISPLAY=$ip:0 \
- -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
- gmarxcc/scientific-emacs:0.1
- '''
- the 'emacs-config' folder contains the '.emacs' configuration file
- To install:
- - aspell
- - curl
- - wget
- - git
- - zsh
- ## After first run the container
- Upgrade texlive to be able to install new packages by :
- '''
- apt-get upgrade texlive-base
- '''
- Then, init the user with 'tlmgr init-usertree'. After that you can install new packages using 'tlmgr install package'.