- # Introduction
- This reposity includes the basic information to mount a server using **Node-RED** as a Dashboard and also working as a MQTT server using **Mosquitto**. The MQTT server is tested with a ESP32 client to publish random numbers every two seconds.
- The general scheme is shown below, the complete environment requires a client, mqtt server or broker, and a mqtt client that works like a user interface (dashboard).
- The basic communication scheme could work like:
- 1. The ESP32 starts the communication chain by sending a text message to the broker, the broker can be public or local.
- 2. Depending on the code, the sending message can be replicated to all the connected clients in the *topic*.
- 3. Finally, a web server based on *Node-RED* will read the publicated data in the broker to be displayed in the *UI*.
- ![mqttesp32](./Imagenes/mqttesp32.PNG)
- The client code to test the environment is hosted in the [mqtt-client-esp32-v2](https://github.com/ss-jade/mqtt-client-esp32-v2).
- *Thanks to Andrés Perez for the first version.*
- # MQTT Server
- ## Installing Mosquitto
- For the Raspberry pi, based on Debian's distribution, we can use:
- ```bash
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt upgrade
- sudo apt install mosquitto
- ```
- To execute *mosquitto* and enable every time the system starts:
- ```
- sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service
- ```
- ## Configuring the Mosquitto server
- First replace the default configuration file by the file providing in this repository:
- ```
- sudo cp ./mosquitto.conf /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
- ```
- then, create the password file instanced on the `mosquitto.conf` file
- ```
- sudo touch /etc/mosquitto/passwd
- ```
- finally, restart the service:
- sudo systemctl restart mosquitto
- ## Node-RED installation
- To install **nodejs** write in terminal:
- ```
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install nodejs
- sudo apt install npm
- ```
- Then, let us install the *Node-RED* app and the *Dashboard* complement by using the *Node Package Manager*:
- ```
- npm install node-red
- npm install node-red-dashboard
- ```
- now, we require to run in background the app and verify that *node-RED* is running:
- ```
- node-red &
- sudo netstat -plnt
- ```
- then, to get access to *node-RED* go to your web browser at `rasp-hostname.local:1880` or `rasp-ip:18080`.
- ## A flow process in Node-RED
- A basic process is implemented on *Node-RED* to test the mqtt protocol. Thus, add the next blocks:
- 1. `mqtt in` from network group
- 2. `debug` from common
- 3. `text`from dashboard
- then, double-click on `mqtt-in` to open and edit the node:
- ![](./mqtt-node.png)
- click on *Add new mqtt-brocker*, then, in the *Connection* tab: set *Name* to Rasp, point the server to the raspberry's ip or hostname and port 1883. Leave unchanged the *Security* and *Message* tabs and click on the **Add** button.
- ![](./add-broker.png)
- Finally, set the topic to `data/esp32` and the output to `a String` in the mqtt properties' node:
- ![](./topic.png)
- Next, connect the blocks as shows in the image and click on the `Deploy` button to check if the process can connect to the Broker:
- ![](./deploy.png)
- ## Creating the UI
- Next, make double-click on the `dashboard-text` node and add a new `Group` by click on the pencil icon:
- ![](./group.png)
- set the name *Project*, and add also a new `Dashboard tab`, do not change the default names:
- ![](./add-tab.png)
- once the parameters have been configured click the add button twice; for the tabs and for the node properties. Next, click on the `Deploy` button and visit the `hostname-or-ip/ui` to see the output generated by the MQTT client:
- ![](./ui.png)
- **Note: you can also check the generated data on the Arduino IDE serial tools.**