@ -79,8 +79,32 @@ then, to get access to *node-RED* go to your web browser at `rasp-hostname.local
## A flow process in Node-RED
## A flow process in Node-RED
A basic process is implemented on *Node-RED* to test the mqtt protocol. Thus, add the next blocks:
1. `mqtt in` from network group
2. `debug` from common
3. `text`from dashboard
then, double-click on `mqtt-in` to open and edit the node:
click on *Add new mqtt-brocker*, then, in the *Connection* tab: set *Name* to Rasp, point the server to the raspberry's ip or hostname and port 1883. Leave unchanged the *Security* and *Message* tabs and click on the **Add** button.
Finally, set the topic to `data/esp32` and the output to `a String` in the mqtt properties' node:
Next, click on the `Deploy` button to check if the process can connect to the Broker:
how to connect???
In the *Node-RED* App press the `import`button at the right-lower menu and upload the `flows.json` file in this repository.
In the *Node-RED* App press the `import`button at the right-lower menu and upload the `flows.json` file in this repository.
Damos clic en el nodo de mqtt in (el morado con el texto prueba/xd), se desplegara un menu con las propiedades del nodo.
Damos clic en el nodo de mqtt in (el morado con el texto prueba/xd), se desplegara un menu con las propiedades del nodo.